Aug 4, Indoor Tree Plants,Best time to water indoor plants, growing indoor plants.

Indoor Tree Plants


There are many different types of containers to choose from for your indoor tree plants.

You want to select a container that is large enough for the roots. It should also allow for drainage. Keep in mind that healthy plants need to be repotted occasionally. Roots seen growing out of the bottom of the pot is a sign the plant needs repotting. Do not repot indoor tree plants in a pot that is too large. Instead choose a pot that is one size larger than the original pot.


When choosing indoor plants, it is a good idea to select a plant that you know howto grow and does not require frequent watering. However, you will need to water your plants consistently. Establish a maintenance schedule that will be easy for you to remember such as every Friday. Inconsistent watering kills more plants than anything else.

Indoor plants have roots located in the bottom two thirds of the pot. A good rule of thumb is to water your plants when the bottom two thirds begins drying out. Test for dryness by sticking your finger in the soil. If it is not damp, water the plant until the water runs out of the bottom of the pot.

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