Aug 3, Harvesting Sugar Baby Watermelon,Right Time to Pick a Watermelon

Harvesting Sugar Baby Watermelon

Despite some demanding growing requirements,its always a rewards when Harvesting Sugar Baby Watermelon, the superior mouth-watering taste of vine-ripened melons over supermarket offered produce is well worth the extra effort.

pack on sugar during their final days of growth. This sweetness is noticeably missing in commercial watermelons which are picked green for shipping purposes. We want to share tips on harvesting Sugar Baby watermelon.

Before picking Sugar Baby watermelon, there are pests to look out for in the garden who want to take a bite out of your melons! Whiteflies are small, winged insects that resemble tiny moths. The flying adult stage prefers the underside of leaves to breed and feed. If a plant is infested, you will notice a cloud of fleeing insects when the plant is disturbed.

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