"How to" Hydroponics - A Guide to General Hydroponics

The field of general hydroponics is not new. Believe it or not you can find evidence of this technique dating back many hundreds of years some of which include the floating gardens of the Aztecs and China, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and you can also find records of it in Egyptian hieroglyphics. With newer technology these days though there has been some really incredible progress made in this totally awesome field of agriculture.

Many different experiments have been done by horticulturists and scientists using several different types of hydroponics in general. This technique is widely needed in the parts of the world that are not suitable for cultivation. This technique was even used widely during World War II to help provide fresh vegetables to our troops who were stationed in the non-arable islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Commercial Success

Commercial growers are becoming highly favorable towards the use of general hydroponics for growing fresh vegetables and produce. It is also becoming a favorite method of traditional farmers as well.

The independent state of Israel has been developing really advanced hydroponic technology due to its harsh climate. They market this technology heavily to Nicaragua who uses it to produce pepper for selling around the world as well as to the United States. One of the largest hydroponic facilities in the world is the state of Arizona, where they sold 125 million pounds of tomatoes in the year 2005.

General Hydroponics and Its Advantages

One advantage of using general hydroponics is that it allows you to produce a higher yield than normal soil based agricultural methods. For areas of the world where you can't grow vegetables in the soil it is a real blessing and God send. Being that you have total control of the growing environment it eliminates the need for pesticides and insecticides which in turn back the soil, water, air, and food whole lot healthier.


The methods that you use for general hydroponics vary for each type of plant that you are growing. The needs of the plants also very during each cycle of their growth. You can use a variety of different combinations of products for both growing and booming during each growth cycle of your plants. You can then know precisely which nutrients are required for each growth cycle of your plants.

The nutrients that are used in hydroponics dissolve in water and are most commonly in the Ionic and inorganic form. Some of the most commonly used macro nutrients include potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, and potassium phosphate.

Some Advancements

The practice of general hydroponics is highly productive because of the lack of pests and because there is a constant supply of nutrients provided for the plants. Because most of your hydroponic activity is done indoors and in sealed greenhouses, the growth of the plant can be limited, however, the yield of the indoor growing operation can be increased by adding CO2 into the environment, which makes it an incredibly beneficial growing atmosphere for all plants.

If you're interested in the field of hydroponics Or just like to find out some basic information on how to use hydroponics, then visit my site at http://www.hydroponichelp.com where you will find a plethora of informative articles to help you with you needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_L_Froggatt
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