Sep 16, Common Types of Weeds,How to Control weeds.

Common Types of Weeds

Whether they are garden plants or common types of weeds often depends on your point of view. Some plants like summer cypress are attractive but can also be considered weedy if allowed to spread out of control. To help you identify some common types of weeds we wanted to share the following gathered information.

Common Yarrow

Although sometimes planted for flowers, common yarrow can spread invasively in average to poor garden soils. Dig out unwanted plants or smother them with mulch. The stems are covered with grayish hairs with delicate looking feathery, green leaves. Flowers bloom all summer in either white or yellow. Pull, mow, hoe, or cut seedlings. Dig older plants to get the creeping roots. Improving soil fertility discourages yarrow from growing.


A fast growing groundcover for dry, shady spots, goutweed grows where nothing else will. In better soil conditions, it can rapidly take over less vigorous plants. Goutweed leaves are deeply divided and may have with irregular white edges. The white or yellow flowers bloom in June. It tolerates shade and infertile soil, which is frequently characteristic of common types of weeds.

Garlic Mustard

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