Jun 10, Easy Growing Indoor Plants,How to Plant and Care, growing indoor plants

Easy Growing Indoor Plants

Plants can make your home more colorful, inviting, and purify the air by removing harmful toxins. Tender, loving care involves regular watering, feeding, and transplanting when necessary. However there are easy growing indoor plants that require less maintenance than others. We have listed below some of the easiest to grow as well as notes on their care.

Types of Easy Growing Indoor Plants

For people who do not have a lot of free time, carefree leafy plants provide decorative greenery without the fuss.

Jun 10, Indoor Office Plants, indoor plants care

Indoor Office Plants

The popularity of indoor office plants continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Having a plant as part of your workspace helps give a hectic place a calming effect. It is a good idea to be selective when choosing your indoor office plants since some may rapidly outgrow a small space or smaller sized ones may be dwarfed in a large area.

Plants for the office have been scientifically proven to aid boosting employee morale and increasing concentration levels. A recent study indicated that employees stayed on-task with faster response times when living plants were placed in their work areas. Scientists attribute the heightened productivity to the plants' capability of reducing excess carbon dioxide from the air.

Plants help a growing problem affecting many office building around the world known as Sick Building Syndrome. It is caused by toxins created from man-made materials such as paint, plastics, furniture, insulation, synthetic fibers, carpet, cleaners, and plywood.

Jun 10, Indoor Houseplant Varieties,large indoor plants,tall indoor plan

Indoor Houseplant Varieties

Indoor houseplant varieties vary as much as their owners do. However, there are really only five major categories of houseplants.

The first is the flowering traditional varieties. These include some of the more exotic plants like rare orchids but also include simple bulbs planted in the winter and forced into bloom. The second category is the cactus and succulents. The third category of houseplants is plants used for the beauty of their foliage.

Bonsai plants make up the fourth category of houseplants. Finally, there are practical houseplants. These plants provide herbs and vegetables for dinner. Some of the plants fit into several categories.

Jun 10, How to Grow Indoor Plants,indoor tree plants, lighting indoor pla

How to Grow Indoor Plants

How to grow Indoor plants and planting indoor houseplants depends on the type of plant you have. Some indoor houseplants need a humid atmosphere and lots of moisture while others thrive in arid, dry conditions. Growing indoor plants depends on the plant itself. Before you begin, you have to take the time to learn about the plant and the conditions it loves.

Tips for How to Grow Indoor Plants


The type of soil necessary for plants varies with the plant itself. Some plants like a sandier soil with little organic matter. Other plants thrive on soil with a lot of organic matter. They require a heavier almost bog type of soil.

The pH of the soil also varies from plant to plant. Some plants require a highly acidic soil to grow at their best. This same acid level could impede the growth of other plants or even kill the plant.

Jun 17, Harvesting Herbs,harvesting and drying herbs

Harvesting Herbs

One of the first guidelines in harvesting herbs is to harvest early in the morning. Right after the morning dew dries is the ideal picking time. However, you want to pick them before the sun has risen very high in the sky and warmed the herbs considerably. The timing is important because the necessary oils that give herbs its fragrance and flavor lose their characteristic qualities when overexposed to heat.

A cool, sunny, dry morning is best for herbs harvesting. Wet leaves require a longer drying period before you can store them. If you plan to use fresh herbs, pick and use those as needed.

The intended use, climate, and maturity of the plant are all influences on the timing of the harvest. Cold climate gardeners have fewer chances to harvest and often elect to grow herbs indoors. Herb gardens grown in warmer regions have the advantage of a longer growing season.

Avoid heavy harvests of perennial herbs during the first year of growth. This allows them to establish themselves and to encourage root growth. You may trim them slightly to promote bushiness.

Jun 17, Drying Herbs,Drying Fresh Herb,How to Dry Herbs

Tips for Drying Herbs

Drying herbs is one of the most convenient and simplest ways to preserve herb flowers and leaves. It is so simple to discover how to dry herbs that you can keep a full winter's supply for yourself and have plenty left over to give as gifts. We have gathered useful information for you on how to dry herbs.

Most people use one of the following three drying herbs methods: air drying on raised screens, hang the herbs to air dry, or drying in a dehydrator.Your choice of how to dry herbs depends on use of the herb and on its particular characteristics. For instance, for drying the herb Angelica: hang leaves and enclosed seed heads to air dry. Alternatively, cut roots into 2 inch pieces and dry in a dehydrator.

How to Dry Herbs

Bunches of herbs are decorative as they dry, long before they can be used in arrangements. Hang drying is an excellent way for you to preserve herbs, especially in large quantities. You need a dark, well-ventilated, dry place to hang the herbs. A spare room or attic could be an ideal spot by covering any windows to block sunlight from entering.

Harvest herbs for hang drying as early in the day as possible. You do not have to bother with washing them. If you must rinse the herbs, let the surface moisture completely evaporate before bunching the herbs. Spread the rinsed herbs on a slatted drain rack to allow the air to circulate, which speeds drying.

Tie small bunches of herbs using elastic thread, rubber bands, or twist ties. Hang the bunches so that air circulates freely around them. If you are drying cooking herbs, enclose the bunches in paper bags. This will keep insects off your herbs and prevent them from getting dusty as they dry. The herbs take a bit longer to dry using this method but remain dust and insect free.

It may take up to 3 weeks under the proper conditions to drying herbs when they are enclosed in paper bags. If your drying conditions are somewhat humid, drape cheesecloth over herbs drying on a screen. The open weave of cheesecloth permits adequate air circulation around the herbs while keeping most of the dust out as well.

Hang the herbs at least 12 inches from the wall. Leave about 6 inches between bunches. An expandable laundry rack makes a handy and portable dryer when you only have a few bunches to dry. You can arrange the drying rack in a permanent location by screwing small hooks into the ceiling at 3 foot intervals in rows across the room. Afterward, run strings down each row of hooks. Tie the herb bunches to the strings.

After trying your hand at how to dry herbs, most herbs will be dry in a couple of weeks after being hung in dark, well-ventilated, dry conditions.

When they are completely dried, the herbs feel crackly crisp. You can either use them immediately or store for later uses. When your cooking herbs are dried, remove the leaves from the stems. Store in tightly sealed jars, bottles, or other containers in a dark cabinet. Since nearly all the moisture has been removed, dried herb flavors are more concentrated than freshly harvested ones.

It is recommended to decrease the amount to one-third of what you would normally add if using fresh picked herbs in your homemade recipes.

Go to herb gardening tips from Drying Herbs

Jun 17, Homemade Potting Soil,how to make potting soil,what is potting soil

Homemade Potting Soil

Your garden soil may be top of the line but making homemade potting soil is a good idea when starting seeds. No matter how rich your topsoil is, it can harbor organisms that put seedlings at risk. Bagged seed-starting mixes are widely available but you can save money by using our easy to make homemade potting soil recipe below.

Soil is made up of inorganic particles such as clay, sand, and silt. As well as minerals, organic matter, water, and air. The quality of soil is judged by the proportions of these ingredients. Organic matter is an essential part of the soil makeup because it supplies nutrients to the plants and can help to improve drainage.

Homemade Potting Soil Recipe

1. Combine equal parts of fine vermiculite and milled peat moss for a seed starting mix. Wear a disposable mask to avoid breathing in the fine particles.

2. Add hot water to the potting soil until it is moist enough to stick together. On the other hand, you do not want it dripping wet. The hot water keeps seeds warm.

3. Fill your containers or flats to within about

Jun 17, Pro Mix Potting Soil, a good potting soil,potting soil recipes,

Pro Mix Potting Soil

Lightweight Pro Mix potting soil is a real heavyweight when it comes to its multi-uses for outdoor plots or indoor container gardens. You can use the potting mix for seed beds, transplants, or re-potting. A special ingredient of Pro Mix potting soil is sphagnum peat moss that helps it retain moisture longer. The mix aids in providing soil aeration and drainage for supplying optimum growth to your plants. This pro formula is preferred by many seasoned gardeners throughout the world.

The ingredients list for Pro Mix potting includes: Sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite, limestone, perlite, and a wetting agent. The mix is highly recommended for seed bed trays, container gardens, houseplants, and hanging baskets. For the best results: fertilize plants a few weeks after seeding or potting.

Pro Mix soil & seeding mix is suggested for growing plants requiring a soil pH of 5.5 -7.0. The following steps are how to effectively use Pro Mix potting soil:

Jun 18, Rosemary Herb,growing herbs rosemary

Rosemary Herb

The highly scented Rosemary herb is used often to season roasted meat, fish, and poultry. You can use both the leaves and flowers for cooking and garnishing. In ancient Greece, students wore garlands of rosemary herb in their hair because it was a popular belief that it strengthened memory. Whether it boosts your mind power or not, the flavor of this herb is indispensable in the kitchen.

The Rosemary is a perennial plant that is typically grown in containers throughout cooler regions. The plants grow 2 to 6 feet tall. The herb grows tiny pink to purple flowers that bloom in clusters along the branches in late winter to early spring. The evergreen leaves of the rosemary are needlelike and leathery, measuring up to 1

Jun 18, Growing Herbs,growing herbs in containers,growing herbs from see

Growing Herbs

Growing Herbs gardens are delightful to the senses by being not only beautiful to look at; they have wonderful aromas, and taste good as well! Herbs planting can also save you a lot of money because instead of buying expensive store brands, you can walk right outside to pick your own. With a small bit of preparation, growing herbs is largely care-free.

How to Grow

Some herbs are best to buy as plants instead of growing from seed. For example, Golden sage should be grown from a young plant or cutting. However, culinary sage grows true from seed. Additionally all mints cultivated from seed share a minty taste. Although, if you want a particular variety like orange mint, you will have to purchase a plant to ensure receiving the correct flavoring.

Jun 20, Black Krim Tomato,getting the best soil,when to plant.

Black Krim Tomato

By growing the Black Krim tomato in your garden, you are sure to come out the neighborhood winner as sometime growing tomatoes seems to cause an outbreak of friendly competition between neighbors to see who can grow the best tasting produce.

The Black Krim tomato gets its name not only from its coloring but its origin from the Black Sea on the Isle of Krim. The rare purple-black color and slight salty flavor make this fruit a stand out in any garden. The dark colored, beefsteak tomatoes are a great choice for anyone not wanting to add salt to their veggies before eating.


Its best to start your Black Krim seeds indoors in pots 6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost. Cover them

Jun 20, Better Boy Tomatoes,how to grow,growing better boy tomatoe

Better Boy Tomatoes

Better Boy tomatoes are a hybrid that ruggedly resists many bacteria, parasites and fungi but does not do well when you plant it in the garden before the cold weather ends.

Like most tomatoes, it does require some nurturing but this popular tomato pays you back with succulent fruit well known for its flavor.

How to Grow

Most people use tomato starts rather than beginning the Better Boy from seed. However, if you prefer to start your own tomato seedlings, you have to begin approximately six to eight weeks before the first frost. You'll need to use sterile potting soil in either flats or containers and plant the seeds

Jun 20, Black Tomatoes,Varieties of Black Tomatoes,best way to grow tomatoes

Black Tomatoes

Black tomatoes such as the wonderful flavored and ample sized indeterminate Cherokee Purple tomato are ready for harvest in 75 days.

If you have put off planting a garden because you fear your two black thumbs will get in the way from digging in wholeheartedly, we have a unique and tasty project for beginners and avid gardeners alike. The heirloom tomato originally hails from Tennessee. The productive plants bear 10 to 12 ounce dusky rose/purple fruit with deep red interiors in 80 days.

Varieties of Black Tomatoes

Growing black tomatoes like the heirloom variety;

Jun 20, Miracle Grow Potting Soil,best potting soil.potting soil recipe,

Miracle Grow Potting Soil

Whether you are planting vegetables, flowers, shrubbery, or trees, Miracle Grow potting soil will help your plants grow bigger and lusher than you ever dreamed possible!

Miracle Grow make plants double in size over ordinary planting soil. The mix can be used for successful outside gardening or container gardens grown indoors.

You can use potting soil of miracle grow to start plants inside before transplanting them outdoors. On the other hand, you may use the soil mix in individual pots for potting indoor houseplants. Typically, within a week of using the mixture, your plants will grow twice as big as when you initially plant them.

Miracle Grow potting is ideal for starting an herb garden. You can buy a seed starter kit that includes containers as well as packages of herbs. Generally, the herbs will sprout in a manner of a few days. Then you can transplant them into larger pots filled with the soil mixture.

You can add Miracle Grow time release plant food to the potting soil to continuously feed plants up to 3 months. Miracle-Grow fertilizer is made of rich organic materials for strong, vigorous plant development and excellent drainage. You can purchase a 10 quart bag to fill three 8 inch wide containers or even smaller sized pots.

An added bonus to using Miracle Grow potting soil is it provides low maintenance tending for your plants. By aiding the plants to grow larger and healthier, they require less care. With ordinary soil, your plants may appear wilted and lifeless.

The formulated ingredients in Miracle Grow potting include compost, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, a wetting agent, and fertilizer. The company that manufactures these gardening products has many other beneficial applications available such as a shake and feed for plants, garden weed preventer, indoor plant care, and an organic line.

soil of Miracle Grow Potting

Moisture control potting mix has an exclusive formula that absorbs 33 percent more water to protect against two of the greatest difficulties gardeners face when indoor gardening which is overwatering and underwatering!

Easy Instructions for Use

Jun 22, Termite Resistant Mulch,mulch termites

Termite Resistant Mulch

The need to use termite resistant mulch is to help you avoid termites in your garden.Mulch is also very important for your garden to keep weeds at bay, prevent the soil from overheating and protect the earth from water evaporation. However, many types of mulch tend to attract and feed colonies of termites and can pose a threat to your house and outbuildings if this occurs.

Two studies, Duryea et al. 1999; Duryea et al. 1999, investigated the potential hazards for termites in various types of mulches in the southern area of the United States. They looked at the activity of the dark southern subterranean termite and the eastern subterranean termite on six different types of mulch. These pests build nests underground at areas that provide plenty of food material. Of course, a garden with lots of wood mulch is just that type of place. What the studies revealed was both interesting and helpful to homeowners and gardeners alike.The study involved the collection of colonies of termites in the Gainesville, Florida area. The scientists wanted to find if not only the termites would consume wood mulch, but also whether they favored heartwood or sapwood and specific types of wood mulch.

Jun 22, Tomato Blight,tomato early blight,tomato blight solutions

Tomato Blight

When plants suffer from tomato blight, leaves suddenly wither, stop growing, and die. Later, plant parts may rot.

Infectious plant diseases are often classified by the type of symptom they cause.Common diseases include early and late blights that are caused by fungi and attack tomatoes and their relatives.


If leaves of your tomato plants have dark, ringed spots, the cause may be early blight. Lower leaves and stems are generally affected first by tomato blight. This fungal disease is also known as Alternaria blight. The disease occurs when plants are loaded with fruit and during warm, humid temperatures of 75 to 85 degrees.

Late tomato blight often causes foliage with water-soaked patches that turn brown, dry, and papery. In wet weather the patches may develop a ring of white mold. Additionally, stems may have blackened areas. Infected fruit have large, firm, greasy, irregular brown spots. This fungal disease frequently occurs during humid weather with cool nights below 60 degrees and warm days of 70 to 85 degrees.

Other indications of tomato blight:

Fruit with green, water soaked spots is often caused by late blight. Spots expand into large brown areas but remain firm. Spots that appear near the stem while fruit is green are symptoms of early blight.

Best organic control

For early and late tomato blight: Spray infected plants with sulfur and/or copper to halt further blight development. Sulfur is one of the oldest pesticides known. It has been used for centuries to control plant pathogens like blight. Sulfur is mined from natural deposits as a yellow solid that is nearly soluble in water. It is available in solution form or as a finely ground dust.

Horsetail Spray

Some organic gardeners use the common weed horsetail spray as a botanical fungicide to prevent and control plant diseases such as tomato blight. Although, the spray has not been scientifically tested for fungicidal properties, it is popular among backyard gardeners as a protectant fungicide.

Spray infected plants once every week to 2 weeks. Sometimes a fungal disease outbreak can be anticipated due to forecasted and current weather conditions. It is good advice to begin a preventive spray routine before any symptoms are even spotted. Experiment to determine which plants and diseases the spray works best on and keep records for future reference.

Non-organic methods

Sulfur can be mixed with inorganic fungicides to use as a protectant fungicide against blight, powdery mildews, rusts, and other plant diseases effecting tomatoes.


Even though sulfur is probably the most commonly used organic fungicide, it is moderately toxic to humans and other mammals. Use carefully or it can irritate lungs, skin, or eyes. Always wear protective clothing when applying sulfur.


By selecting a well-drained, uphill gardening site, you can reduce the time your plant leaves remain wet from rain or watering. Choosing a bed that is basking in sunlight and gentle breezes can keep your plants high and dry. Pruning helps air to circulate freely among the plants allowing the sunshine to rapidly dry foliage and branches after the morning dew or seasonal rains. Crop rotation can stamp out soil borne pathogens.

Prevent problems of tomato blight by planting resistant cultivars and spraying transplants with an anti-transpirant. Although they are usually not thought of as fungicides, anti-transpirants and oil sprays may help prevent fungal infections. Both of these products form a coating on leaves that seems to prevent spore germination and penetration. For late blights: Spray plants with compost tea to help avoid further symptoms from developing.

Go to Identifying-Garden-Pests from Tomato Blight

Jun 22, Tomato Fungus,Controling tomato fungus and disease

Tomato Fungus

Prevention is your best defense against plant diseases such as tomato fungus because once your plants are infected it is nearly impossible to eradicate.

Disease symptoms are caused by pathogens which include: fungi, bacteria, and viruses.


Fungal diseases like tomato fungus result in plant symptoms seen on roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Generally they are caused by fungi that live in the soil or in the air. Some of the most common signs caused by fungal disease are: damping off, root rot, wilts, club root, blights, mildews, rusts, and leaf spot.

Types of fungus

Blights including early and late blight, attack tomatoes and their relatives. The fungus can damage or kill leaves and cause rot in the fruit. Early blight causes leaves with dark, ringed spots on leaves and fruit.

Leaf spot symptoms are caused by a wide range of fungi, which includes Septoria and anthracnose. Fruit infected by tomato fungus anthracnose has ringed sunken spots. Infected tomatoes eventually rot. Septoria symptoms start as small yellow spots that slowly turn brown. Whole leaves may yellow and drop.

Best organic method

Purchase stocky, disease-free plants or start your own seed indoors. Soak seed in a 10 percent bleach solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water for 10 minutes. Then rinse in clean water before planting to reduce seed-borne diseases.

Experiment with the homemade controls below to find the organic method that works best for you. First, make a test application by treating only a few leaves and then wait a few days to check for effectiveness or any damages before continuing to use.

Compost tea sprayed onto tomato plants can prevent fungal disease. Mix one part compost with five parts water. Allow to stand for 1 week. Then strain before spraying.

Soak 3 ounces minced garlic in 2 teaspoons of mineral oil for 24 hours. Strain. Add 1 pint water and 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap. Mix thoroughly. Spray plants with a mixture of 2 tablespoons soap mix and 1 pint water to control the fungus on tomatoes.

Non organic treatments

Fungicide use dates back to the late 1800s when sulfur was used to kill fungi and other disease-causing organisms on both people and plants.

To control fungus on tomatoes, spray plants with a solution of 1 teaspoon baking soda mixed with a few drops of dish soap and 1 quart water. This prevents spores from germinating and may help stop infections already started.

A through spray of vegetable oil coats plant surfaces acts as a barrier to infection. Oils seem to prevent fungal rusts.


Avoid anthracnose fungus by selecting resistant varieties when available. Using proper sanitation techniques are the best prevention method for avoiding tomato fungus. Plant in well-drained soil and do not touch plants when they are wet. Remove and destroy infected plants.

Prevent Septoria leaf spot by removing and destroying infected leaves. Clean up plant debris in the fall. Use disease-free seed. Crop rotation reduces the chance of the fungus.

If you have experienced difficulties in past years with tomato fungus, avoid infection by most fungi with applying organic fungicide treatments like sulfur or copper every 5 to 10 days.

Applying fungicides on a regular basis is often recommended to prevent disease such as tomato fungus. To use efficiently, keep records of the disease problems that occur in your garden. Learn about diseases common to your area to help reduce fungicide use.

Go to Identifying-Garden-Pests from Tomato Fungus

Jun 25, Tomato Bugs,bugs on tomato plants

Tomato Bugs

Few foods are as delicious as ripe, freshly picked garden tomatoes.

However, there are numerous tomato bugs that have the same appetite for your juicy produce! We want to help you in identifying and eradicating these uninvited guests to your garden party. For example, you can control insects such as the tomato worm by companion planting the herb borage with your tomatoes.

Types of tomato bugs


Adults are pear shaped insects with two short tubes projecting backward from the tip of the abdomen. They have long antennae and are variously colored dusty gray, pink, green, or black. They may be wingless or have transparent wings. Aphids pierce leaves and suck plant sap. Feeding causes distorted leaves, buds, and flowers. Some species spread viruses as they feed. Large numbers of aphids are killed by native predators and parasites. Attract these to the garden by planting pollen and nectar plants.

Tomato Hornworm

These large caterpillars blend in very well with foliage and can do serious damage to leaves. Adults are gray, narrow winged moths with rows of orange dots along their abdomens. The green larvae are up to 4

Jun 25, Tomato Rot,tomato blossom end rot,cause of tomato bottom rot

Tomato Rot

Tomato rot or blossom-end rot often affects early season tomatoes. It starts as a tan patch on the bottom of the fruit and expands to a dark, sunken area.According to the United States Department of Agriculture, four out of every five people surveyed preferred tomatoes over any other homegrown vegetable. Garden-less Americans go so far as to grow tomatoes in backyards barrels, tubs, pots, or window boxes, anywhere they can cultivate a spot for the tasty fruit. The last thing anyone wants to see on the fruits of their labor is unsightly tomato rot.


The cause of rot is related to the way the fruit functions. This type of problem can range anywhere susceptible crops are grown. Tomatoes and peppers are affected by tomato rot.

A calcium deficiency in the plant causes of rot on tomato. Although, sufficient calcium may be present in the soil, not enough is reaching plant tissues. This may be caused by excessive nitrogen fertilization, extreme variations in the water supply made available to plants, or overly abundant plant growth. Watering extremes could be due to drought, floods, or injury to the root system. Tomato rot is worse in dry, hot temperatures.


A sign of tomato rot is when a water-soaked brown spot appears on the blossom end of the fruit. The spot will typically enlarge and turn into a black or leathery brown patch. If the problem is severe, the fruit will have a concave or somewhat flattened bottom end.

Best organic preventive method

Watering and mulching sufficiently during dry conditions prevents tomato rotting and wilts. Maintain an even supply of moisture with regular watering and deep mulches. Avoid over fertilizing with nitrogen. Protect roots by using mulch, rather than cultivation, to control weeds. Test your garden soil periodically and correct nutrient imbalances.At the first signs of tomato blossom rot, pay extra close attention to mulching and watering chores. Plants usually grow out of a problem later in the season when undesirable conditions are corrected. Spraying with seaweed extract may help provide the necessary calcium to affected tomato plants.

Non organic methods

A calcium deficiency may be corrected by the addition of agricultural lime to acid soils, aiming for a soil pH of 6.5. Add organic matter to the soil to improve its moisture-retaining capabilities. Avoiding plant damages is a lot simpler accomplished than attempting to adverse effects, so take corrective measures as soon as possible.

Botrytis Fruit Rot

This rot on tomato produces a fluffy, light-colored mold on a wide range of produce including greenhouse tomatoes. The fruit rot is caused by a fungus that affects crops worldwide. On tomato, infections appear initially as "ghost spots", small brown spots of dead tissue surrounded with an often slightly raised pale halo.

Other symptoms include the characteristic whitish, gray, or tan mold which grows on fruit that when disturbed causes a puff of gray spores to scatter. Infected fruits have water-soaked spots, which later appear light brown and crack as the fungus grows.


Botrytis fruit rot develops under particularly moist and cool conditions. Typically where injury to tissues gives fungal spores an opening. Promote good air circulation by spacing and pruning plants in greenhouses. Increase ventilation and heating to dry leaves early in the day. To control the rot, destroy infected fruit or other plant material. Avoid injuring plants and control insect pests.

Go to indoor-gardening-light from Tomato Rot

Jun 25, Tomato Pests, tomato plant pest,tomato problems pests

Tomato Pests

Not only is the idea of growing vine ripened tomatoes attractive to you, but the juicy fruits attract tomato pests as well. In fact, a vegetable garden attracts wildlife, butterflies, birds, and insects by the score.

Seasoned gardeners are armed with the knowledge before the season ever starts to expect minor pest damage to their crops. When taking preventative steps becomes necessary, it is the best advice to deal with the problem in environmentally sound ways as possible.

Tomato crop pests and other garden creatures are a normal part of the balance of nature. Seeing a few bugs now and then on your tomato plants is to be expected. Certain insects like ladybugs and lacewings are desirable garden visitors.

Jun 28, Sun Gold Tomatoes, Secret to Growing Tomatoes

Sun Gold Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes such as the Sun Gold tomatoes variety are prolific producers that add splashes of colorful taste into summer salads. This delicious cultivar produces bright orange cherry tomatoes that taste sugary sweet! You are in for a real treat from the tall, vigorous growing plants that bear fruity clusters.

Before planting, mix a fertilizer high in phosphorus into the soil. This application will take care of the plant until the first fruits are set. Feed then and every month while the fruit is developing. Stop fertilizing when the tomatoes near maturity.

How to plant

Where gardening space is limited, plant these tall-growing tomato plants at the back of the flower garden or tie them to a wire fence. There is some evidence that the prime crops grown in tomato cages may be due to the growth stimulating effect of the electromagnetic field set up by wire cage frames.

Sow the sun gold tomatoes seeds indoors 5-7 weeks prior to setting out transplanting after last frost date. When you grow or purchase transplants, aim for the ideal, which is a stocky plant. Unlike other plants, tomatoes are set deep in the soil. Plant them so that the first leaves are just above the soil line. Plant leggy plants horizontally so roots will form along the buried stem.

Jun 28, Sweet Hundred Tomatoes,Fertilizing Sweet Hundred Cherry Tomatoes

Sweet Hundred Tomatoes

Container gardening is an excellent way to grow Sweet Hundred tomatoes. The heavy producer, Sweet 100 can be grown successfully in barrels and/or pots. This is an ideal solution for growing the small sized tomato cultivar to save space. Place the containers on wheeled platforms for greater mobility. Do not be fooled by the fruit's small stature, at the opposite end of the scale of record breaking monster size tomatoes, these sweet petite fruits pack a juicy punch in every bite.

how to Plant

Plant your Sweet Hundred cherry tomato plants where they will receive an average six hours of sunlight per day. The plants should be planted at least 3 feet apart. Water immediately after planting.


Tomatoes require moderately fertile clay or sandy loam with proper drainage and a soil pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Most tomatoes prefer a soil temperature of 70- 80 degrees. The preferred daytime temperature is 65-80 degrees.

To Stake or sprawl

Tomato cages were already in use in the 19th century and remain about the best culture method to date. One study found single plants in cages yielded up to 62 pounds of fruit! Barring cages, old timers still believe it's best to simply allow plants to sprawl. Although not as productive, sprawling vines still produce about twice as many tomatoes as staked plants. However, it may be a trade off because the harvest season is typically earlier yet shorter lived when fruits are allowed freedom to roam.

Jun 30, Growing Summer Squash,problems with growing summer squash

Growing Summer Squash

Growing summer squash is performed throughout the warm months of spring and summer, thus, the name. Gardeners love summer squash because of its non-spreading trait as well as abundant yields on even small garden plots. Chefs love it because of its tender texture and delicate taste that makes for great dishes.

Varieties Available

There are many varieties of the summer squash, a few of which are as follows together with their characteristics and harvest times:

Jul 6, Quick Pick Tomatoes,Tomato Diseases

Quick Pick Tomatoes

It is a gardener's pride and joy to watch their produce grow plump and ripen. Your Quick Pick tomatoes variety offer a promise of wonderful eating to come even faster than other varieties.

It is no secret that vegetables harvested straight from the garden plot to kitchen pot taste so much better than store bought brands. Additionally, the vitamin and mineral content as well as flavor are at its peak of freshness when vine ripened veggies are picked fresh. Quick Pick got the name because they are one of the fastest tomato producers.


Plant Quick Pick tomatoes in the springtime to a planting depth of

Jul 6, Tomato Plant Suckers,Pruning Suckers off of Tomatoes

Tomato plant suckers

Tomato plant suckers look like harmless extensions of the tomato plant. They grow between the main stem and branches in the crotch where they connect.These are really side shoots that develop into another main stem if you let them continue to grow. They seem harmless and an opportunity to grow more tomatoes but they aren't. If you allow them to continue, they suck the nutrients from the main plant. This competition leaves both the tomatoes on the sucker and the main plant smaller and less developed.

If your goal is to produce as many tomatoes as you can and you don't worry about their size, leave the suckers on the plant. However, if you want a sandwich sized beefsteak tomato or one that looks good sliced in a salad, you must remove the tomato plant suckers from the plant. Remember, the suckers also have suckers, which produce even more suckers and eventually no fruit gets enough to eat.

Some gardeners don't prune their tomato plant, that is, they don't remove the suckers. As mentioned before, your tomatoes won't be as big if you don't and your plant will be almost too heavy, particularly if it's an indeterminate variety. Indeterminate plants continue to grow all season and can get quite large.

The main deciding factor on whether to remove suckers is the size of your main stem. If it's strong enough, you can allow a few, two or three, suckers to grow to get more fruit from the tomato plant. However, if you let everyone grow, you'll weaken the plant and have smaller fruit. There's no real agreement on removing suckers, some people don't remove any except those at the base of the plant.

You don't need to prune out your suckers if you have a determinate tomato plant. These plants are far more compact and cease growing when they reach a specific height. Normally, they don't have any fruit until they reach that height and then it all sets at once. You don't get any benefit from removing the suckers from this type of plant. If you don't know whether your tomato plant is determinate or indeterminate, look up the tomato on the Internet and it normally gives that information.

In order to prune, you simply look over the plant. When you see new stems growing in the V between a branch and the main stem, you have a tomato plant sucker or side shoot. It can be just a few small leaves at first but if left to grow becomes another full branch with fruit and leaves, stealing nutrients from the tomatoes forming on the main branches.

Pruning is relatively simple in the early stages. All you have to do is first identify the tomato plant sucker and they pinch them off with your fingers. This only works if your sucker is less than two inches in height. Larger ones require you to use a pruner to clip them off the plant. This also is far more stressful on the plant than removing them early. Make certain that your pruning sheers or clippers are clean and disease-free to protect the mother plant.

Go to Identifying-Garden-Pests from Tomato Plant suckers

Jul 16, Bacterial Spot Causes of Tomato Bacterial Spot

Tomato Bacterial Spot

There are different causes of bacterial spot on tomatoes and differents method of removing them.The spots may cause your tomato or pepper crop to diminish. These spots first affect the leaves of the plant. Sometimes, that's all it takes to subject the fruit to sun scald. However, the bacterial spots also affect the fruit and make it look less desirable.


Tomato Bacterials spot often starts with the seed. While bacterium, X. vesicatoria and X axonopodis pv vesicatoria, can overwinter in plant debris, it usually does so in the seed. Infected seeds are often the cause of the outbreaks. The same is true for diseased transplants. If the season is particularly damp, the infection travels from plant to plant. That's because the bacteria have a flagella, a whip like tail that makes them move through water easily. The wetter the leaves, the easier it is to transmit the disease. If you have one infected plant, it can spread easily throughout the entire filed of plants in damp weather.


You'll recognize some immediate signs of the bacterium on the seedlings. The cotyledons are often misshapen and look wilted. As the plant grows, you'll notice the leaves have spots on them. Eventually the leaves turn yellow, as do the stems and die. Since the older leaves are affected first and often the bacteria splashes up from the ground, you'll notice the bottom leaves have spots but the tops look good. Once the plant fruits, the spots also are on the fruit. These are often angular. Unlike bacterial speck that has small dots all over the fruit, the spot has larger ones.


While crop rotation is important to preventing bacterial spot, it's not always possible. Keeping the area clean and free from debris is important. Removing the affected leaves also prevents the disease from traveling throughout the plant. Don't do this when the plants are wet. Handling wet plants only transfers the disease to other leaves. There are also chemical and natural applications that can slow or stop the bacteria.

Copper is traditionally used if you want a chemical application but there are now more sophisticated techniques. These are biological methods to help control the problem. Bacteriophages are biological hit men. Phages are nothing more than viruses that infect the bacteria, which in turn infect your plants. Spraying with these viruses in the evening throughout the season helps to control and eliminate the problem.

Not everyone feels comfortable introducing new viruses to their food supply, regardless how innocent they seem. If you're one of those people, there are several home remedies that are often successful in treating bacterial spot, speck and other diseases.

The first uses apple cider vinegar. Use the organic type of vinegar for this process. Simply mix one gallon of water with 3 tablespoons of 5 percent acidic apple cider vinegar. You'll find the acidity on the label. Spray this mixture on your plants in the morning and it helps prevent not only leafspot but also mildew and scab.

Go to from Bacterial Spot

Jul 27, Best Type of Mulch, mulch,different types of mulch,

Best Type of Mulch

There are different types of mulch,you need to makethe best type of mulch for your garden.Mulch is beneficial in protecting your garden from weeds, evaporation and the hot summer sun.

However, there are so many types of mulch on the market that it's difficult to decide the best one for your needs. In order to do that, you have to decide first the reason you want mulch. If you're a gardener, you might want best type of mulch to keep the weeds at bay and d

Aug 3, Harvesting Sugar Baby Watermelon,Right Time to Pick a Watermelon

Harvesting Sugar Baby Watermelon

Despite some demanding growing requirements,its always a rewards when Harvesting Sugar Baby Watermelon, the superior mouth-watering taste of vine-ripened melons over supermarket offered produce is well worth the extra effort.

pack on sugar during their final days of growth. This sweetness is noticeably missing in commercial watermelons which are picked green for shipping purposes. We want to share tips on harvesting Sugar Baby watermelon.

Before picking Sugar Baby watermelon, there are pests to look out for in the garden who want to take a bite out of your melons! Whiteflies are small, winged insects that resemble tiny moths. The flying adult stage prefers the underside of leaves to breed and feed. If a plant is infested, you will notice a cloud of fleeing insects when the plant is disturbed.

Aug 4, Indoor Tree Plants,Best time to water indoor plants, growing indoor plants.

Indoor Tree Plants


There are many different types of containers to choose from for your indoor tree plants.

You want to select a container that is large enough for the roots. It should also allow for drainage. Keep in mind that healthy plants need to be repotted occasionally. Roots seen growing out of the bottom of the pot is a sign the plant needs repotting. Do not repot indoor tree plants in a pot that is too large. Instead choose a pot that is one size larger than the original pot.


When choosing indoor plants, it is a good idea to select a plant that you know howto grow and does not require frequent watering. However, you will need to water your plants consistently. Establish a maintenance schedule that will be easy for you to remember such as every Friday. Inconsistent watering kills more plants than anything else.

Indoor plants have roots located in the bottom two thirds of the pot. A good rule of thumb is to water your plants when the bottom two thirds begins drying out. Test for dryness by sticking your finger in the soil. If it is not damp, water the plant until the water runs out of the bottom of the pot.

Aug 4, Growing Bush Sugar Baby Watermelon,

Growing Bush Sugar Baby Watermelon

Growing Bush Sugar Baby Watermelon is a space saver in your garden as well as for storage in the refrigerator.

The compact plants of this flavor packed variety produce plenty of extra sweet 6 to 10 pound sized watermelons. The delicious fruits grow dependably on productive plants that are resistant to disease and drought.

In fact, for summer picnics and family reunions, by planting bush sugar baby watermelon dessert is served! Serve up this juicy treat that even small-space gardeners can find room to grow.

Seasoned gardeners recommend growing bush Sugar Baby watermelon in zones 3 - 9. The plants grow up to a height of 10 inches. Plant leaving spacing of 3-5 feet between plants and 5 -8 feet between rows. Planting depth should be 1 - 1

Aug 4, Trimming Tomato Plants,How to Trim.

Trimming Tomato Plants

Tomatoes grow on both vines and bushes. Trimming tomato plants helps prevent disease from spreading, improves the quantity and quality of fruit produced, and extends bloom time of flowers. In 1985, the largest recorded tomato plant in United States history measured 53.5 feet high. In 2000, the previous record was beaten by a tomato plant grown in Lancashire UK that reached 65 ft tall!

Tall indeterminate varieties need to be pruned to keep them from growing out of hand. On the other hand, determinates do not requite pruning. Trimming tomato plants is not a major task when you use clean and sharp pruning shears.

Indeterminate plants require staking and pinching away the side shoots as they form. When grown indoors, the tip is typically pinched back also after about four trusses have formed to ensure ripening. The leaves below the lowest truss are generally removed at the same time to improve air circulation around the base of the tomato plants.

Cutting Back Tomato Plants

Aug 4, Green Zebra Tomato,green zebra heirloom tomatoes

Green Zebra Tomato

The Green Zebra tomato gets its name from characteristic yellow and dark green stripes. Compared to other tomatoes, the taste is a bit tarter.

Introduced in 1983, the Green Zebra tomato was bred by a grower from Washington. Despite being frequently mistaken as an heirloom, this selection is not officially designated as one.

The Green Zebra reaches maturity in 78 days. Plant height is an average 9 feet. Plants produce ample yields of green tomatoes that remain green when mature. The fruits have the old fashioned tomato flavor some of you may recall from long ago. This type is excellent for pickling, salads, sandwiches, and sauces.

Aug 4, Gardening ZonesTypes of Zone, What to Plant

Gardening Zones

In 1960, the original USDA zone map was done to show plant hardiness for planting regions.

In 1990, the gardening zones were revised and the maps are recognized as the best indicator of minimum temperatures available.

For example, to use the gardening zones map, find your area, then match its color-coded pattern to the key showing average annual minimum temperature. The key indicates what hardiness zone you live in.

Keep in mind that the map is a general guide; your particular climate conditions may vary. In 2006, the gardening zones were updated by the National Arbor Day Foundation to reflect the warmer climate experienced in many parts of the country since the last revision.

Gardening zones types

There are eleven gardening zones numbered zone 1 through 11. Each zone is 10

Aug 11, Homemade Weed Killer,best weed killer,make your own weed killer

Ways to Make Homemade Weed Killer

Not everyone can make a homemade weed killer mainly because of the time it may take, some may want the cheap weed killer or one of the eco friendly weed killer. Weed control is a critical part of keeping your garden healthy and looking good. Using homemade weed killer is an organic way of killing weeds without hurting the environment. Controlling weeds when they are small or preventing them from sprouting in the first place makes the job of weeding much easier.

How to make weed killer

Organic herbicides may not solve all your weed problems but they are useful in particular situations. You can make natural weed killer that is basically soap, vinegar, and salt. However, these ingredients are considered non-selective herbicides meaning if enough of the material gets on the plant, it will also be killed. Therefore, use with caution to avoid damaging the plants you wish to keep along with the weeds.

Sep 16, Common Types of Weeds,How to Control weeds.

Common Types of Weeds

Whether they are garden plants or common types of weeds often depends on your point of view. Some plants like summer cypress are attractive but can also be considered weedy if allowed to spread out of control. To help you identify some common types of weeds we wanted to share the following gathered information.

Common Yarrow

Although sometimes planted for flowers, common yarrow can spread invasively in average to poor garden soils. Dig out unwanted plants or smother them with mulch. The stems are covered with grayish hairs with delicate looking feathery, green leaves. Flowers bloom all summer in either white or yellow. Pull, mow, hoe, or cut seedlings. Dig older plants to get the creeping roots. Improving soil fertility discourages yarrow from growing.


A fast growing groundcover for dry, shady spots, goutweed grows where nothing else will. In better soil conditions, it can rapidly take over less vigorous plants. Goutweed leaves are deeply divided and may have with irregular white edges. The white or yellow flowers bloom in June. It tolerates shade and infertile soil, which is frequently characteristic of common types of weeds.

Garlic Mustard

Sep 26, Controlling Vegetable Weeds,common garden weeds

Controlling Vegetable Weeds

Nothing is certain in life except taxes, death, and weeds! Controlling vegetable weeds can cause gardeners more aggravation than any other garden pest. A weed population competes against the plants we want to grow, stealing their light, water, and nutrients. Weeds can harbor insects and diseases that attack vegetable plants, making it important to maintain a healthy, weed-free, productive garden.

Organic Weed Control

It pays to know what weeds are growing in the garden before planning your attack with organic weed control. Ever since the Garden of Eden, gardeners have argued over just which plants are weeds.

As one man's shack is another's castle; one gardener's weed is another's flower. There are a few species that nearly everyone agrees are weeds such as poison ivy. A weed is any plant growing where you do not want it.

Sep 26, Choosing and Applying Weed Kille,best weed killer

Choosing and Applying Weed Killer

When choosing and applying weed killeryou need to remember that the weed control method you choose depends on which type of weeds you are dealing with and where they are growing. For example, in vegetable gardens, hand-weeding and mulching are generally the best choices when choosing and applying weed killer.

There is something about weeds that makes normally rational gardeners either go into a weed pulling frenzy or retreat indoors giving up their plot to a hostile weed takeover! If you are besieged by weeds, we have pulled together some helpful tips for you to pick and apply weed killer.

A productive technique for controlling weeds in your garden has three steps:

1. Identify the weed so you can determine how it grows.

2. Once you know how the weed spreads, choose a technique for getting rid of it.

3. The final step is preventing weeds from coming back.

Oct 11, Weed Controlling Plants,Best Weed Killer,

Weed Controlling Plants to the Rescue

What is the best types of weed controlling plants that can save the quick to spread, St. John's Wort found growing all over the United States. Although popular with herbalists, to many gardeners, it is considered a weed that they try in earnest to keep out of their flower beds. Here are some tips you can use about weed controlling plants to help keep unwanted weeds at bay!

A Shady Trick

It can take several years for a perennial to fill in their bed. To discourage weeds from invading the bare spots, transplant annuals between the perennials. A fast growing annual will shade the soil so weed seeds do not receive enough sunlight to sprout.

Wipe out Weeds

Before you dig a garden site, save yourself future grief by growing a smother crop for a season. You can choke out weeds by smothering them with crops such as annual ryegrass, white clover, or winter wheat.

Steps to Planting plants that Controle weeds

Try this useful gardening technique in one part of your vegetable garden, rotating the site each year so that all parts are treated every few years.

1. Dig or till the planting area to prepare a seedbed.

2. Scatter the seeds of the smother crop over the soil.

3. Mow the crop once or twice throughout the growing season.

4. Till or dig the crop into the soil in fall or spring.

Annual Ryegrass

These weed controlling plants germinate rapidly even in cool soils. Plant in the fall in warmer regions and in the springtime for cooler areas. Smother crops can get rid of even the toughest weeds.

White Clover

Sometimes considered a lawn weed, white clover as a legume adds nitrogen to the soil as it smothers weeds. The weed controlling plants grow almost anywhere! It is typically grown from one spring to the next. Before planting, apply inoculants to the seed if it has never grown in the area.

Winter Wheat

This selection of plants that controle weeds competes against early growing weeds but will not interfere with spring plantings. Winter wheat prefers a fertile, loamy soil and a neutral ph level. Plant in late summer and dig or till under in spring.

Soil Clues from Weeds

Weeds growing prolifically can give you hints about your soil conditions such as poor drainage, compacted, sandy, infertile, fertile, acid, or alkaline soil.

Tips and care for growing Controlling Plants

By keeping your weed controlling plants healthy, they will be better able to compete with weeds and win! Here are a few tips to bear in mind as you plan your garden:

Oct 23, Vinegar Weed Killer,natural weed killer,weed killer recipes

Making Vinegar Weed Killer

The use of a vinegar weed killer is perfect of you If you have one pesky dandelion that you simply want wiped from existence. However, vinegar weed killers aren't selective and they kill other plants you want to keep if you spray the entire area.

To make matters worse, if you overuse the mixture of vinegar as weed killer on the soil, it has the potential to leave the soil sterile. That's because it not only kills the plants and roots of plants, if you soak the ground, it kills beneficial bacteria, frees up certain minerals and makes the soil acidic if it's distilled vinegar.

However, while apple cider vinegar can make the soil acidic, it contains certain nutrients that actually feed the soil according to the USDA. The apple cider vinegar has "significant amounts of potassium (730 mg/liter), phosphorus (80 mg/liter), calcium (70 mg/liter) and magnesium (50 mg/liter)."

If you're a bit confused, don't feel bad. The term that best describes how to use vinegar for an herbicide is "moderation." Use it directly on the plant, which you want to kill and not just indiscriminately dump a gallon jug onto the soil.

The recipes for making your own homemade vinegar weed killer vary and there are an abundant number available. Each one of the free recipe for vinegar weed killer has a little variation on the amount of vinegar you use. Some of the recipes arenot recipes at all but simply attaching a spray bottle to the jug of vinegar. Some of the recipes say that you canot use regular vinegar but need stronger vinegar like the kind used for pickling, but according to the Vinegar Institute, all you have to do is spray plain white distilled vinegar full strength onto the weed. If they show any sign of new growth, do it again.

Agricultural Research Service scientists studied the effect of using different solutions of vinegar on leaves. They used concentrations between 5 and 10 percent for plants in the first two weeks of life and had success. They found that the use of a 20 percent spray killed most of the weeds in the field but didn't harm the corn. Most household vinegar is 5 percent concentration. You can get higher concentration vinegar but not at your friendly grocers.

For home gardeners, the best cheap weed killer recipe is the simplest. Simply put vinegar in a spray bottle and add a little liquid soap to make the vinegar absorb more readily into the leaves of the plant. The vinegar is a desiccant, meaning it has the ability to remove moisture from the leaf. This ends up killing the top of the plant. You'll have to spray the plant a second time if it doesn't work the first.

The simplest recipes to use to make your own weed killer are always the best so here's the recipe for homemade vinegar weed killer:

1-bottle apple cider vinegar

1 dash of liquid dish soap

1 spray bottle

Mix the soap in the bottle with the vinegar and spray directly onto the weed. Repeat if necessary.

You can also kill weeds with simple boiling water. Simply pour the boiling water directly on the weed.

Go to Making Vinegar Weed Killer from controlling-garden-weeds

Oct 23, Lawn Weed Killer,grass weed killer,

Lawn Weed Killer

There is a hot controversy over lawn weed killer. Some people want the perfect lush lawn and will do anything, including overuse the weed killer, to achieve that and eliminate all the weeds. Others worry about the safety of their pets and children and attempt to control weeds in the lawn through prophylactic methods that encourage the growth of the grass so the lawn is too healthy to have weeds.

Weed killer for lawn says it's safe when used as directed. However, many of the people using the lawn weed killer product, or products, fail to follow the directions or use several lawn weed killers at once. Since the active ingredients in lawn weed killers are normally three active ingredients, 2.4-D, Mecoprop (MCPP) and Dicamba, if you use several different lawn weed killer products, you run the risk of excess and create an unsafe environment for children and pets.

Oct 23, controlling garden weeds,tips on controlling weeds

controlling garden weeds

There are some reasons for Choosingto control garden andLawnweedstypes and different methods of preventing the weeds.

You have to remember that weeds are plants too! In fact, they're simply plants that you don't have any use for but grow so vigorously that they choke out the ones you really want. With the renewed interest in herbal remedies, many of the plants once classified as weeds now are cultivated. Of course, when that happens, it seems as though other weeds crowd them out and the once upon a time weed now doesn't want to grow.

There are several techniques for controlling your Vegetablegarden weeds. The use of herbicides,homemade,VinegarorPlantsand any types of weed killer in the garden is one method. Not every product kills every weed. If it did, it would kill your beneficial plants too. The herbicides should be used sparingly or not at all. Controlling the weeds in your garden manually is the safest method but also a little more difficult than spraying them with an herbicide. The extra effort is worth it however. It protects your garden plants and doesn't add extra toxins to the environment.

Nov 10, When to Plant Vegetables, how to grow vegetables, soil for vegetables

When to Plant Vegetables

It can be challeng for a beginner to know when to Plant Vegetables,since there are hundreds of different vegetables, we have concentrated on a few garden favorites suitable for temperate climates. Three veggies that are incredibly easy for even a beginning gardener to grow are cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes. Our goal here is to cover important information you will need such as when to plant vegetables.

A modern vegetable garden contains plants originating from various continents. Some have been cultivated for thousands of years, while others developed more recently. Not only have vegetables been spread by man all over the world, but varieties are cultivated in climates far away from their native regions. For instance, a vegetable such as the tomato which originated in the tropics can now be grown far north.

Different ways on how and when to Plant Vegetables


Cucumbers are mentioned among the good things to eat that the Israelites regretted leaving behind in Egypt after the Exodus. Cukes are usually eaten raw as salad vegetables or made into pickles.

Nov 15, Backyard Garden Designs,

Backyard Garden Designs

With the millions of home gardens springing up every year, we wanted to share backyard garden designs and ideas for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike! In the 19th century, if you asked what gardens were for, most people would probably reply for growing strawberries or hosting garden parties.

Nov 22, Japanese Garden Designs,types of garden designs

Japanese Garden Designs

Japanese garden designs often come to my mind,when you think of gardens that evoke tranquility. There are several different types of Japanese gardens. Karensansui gardens, Chaniwa gardens, Tsukiyama gardens, rock gardens and Kaiyu-shiki or strolling gardens are among the most frequently used Japanese gardens. Each of them has a special design and purpose.

The Karensansui gardens are dry landscape gardens. These often appeared as meditation gardens for the ZenBuddhists. They don't have any water but instead raked crushed marble or sand gives the illusion of water. Rocks, small shrubbery and moss give the landscape design as they create artistic shapes. These elements are abstractions for mountains, islands, seas and other landforms. The Karensansui gardens often use the elements to represent important phases of life or life lessons.

A manmade hill provides the backdrop for hill gardens or Tsukiyama gardens. The elements of ponds, flowers, trees and stone are all part of these gardens. Not only are the Tsukiyama gardens the oldest type of garden, they are the most popular garden in Japan. Hill gardens often are miniaturized replicas of famous landscapes in China or Japan. They often are located in areas where you can view the garden from a specific window or veranda. The Tsukiyama garden normally has some form of representation of the tortoise and crane.

Nov 22, Zen Garden Designs,zen garden plants,

Zen Garden Designs

Japanese gardens often have a Zen garden designs influence. The Zen garden has thousands of years of influence from Shintoism, Taoism and Buddhism. They create a landscape that allows those in the garden to view nature with a different eye. They use the principals of Yin and Yang to make high contrast throughout the garden.

Yin and yang represent how things work. The symbol for Yin and Yang is a circle formed by two teardrop shapes. They represent the energy in everything. One is black with a white dot and the other is white with a black dot. The yin is black and the yang is white. The dots in each show that nothing is completely one type of energy.


Nov 22, Shade garden designs,Shade garden plants

Shade garden designs

Shade garden designs are often rich in texture and plush foliage. While the selection of shade plants aren't as varied as those of the sun loving plants, you still have a large number of plants from which to choose. Creating a design for your shade garden can involve color, texture, shape or theme.

While some plants that love the shade offer an abundance of flowers, many do not flower throughout the year. If you create a design for your shade garden, which depends on year around color, you'll need to make certain that you include some annuals that bloom throughout the summer months or include flowering plants that vary in blooming time. However, some gardeners find that making a seasonal shade garden is also wonderful. In the spring, summer or fall, the garden displays a show of color. During the non-blooming seasons, it has interesting foliage of varying shades.

Dec 14, Winter Container Gardening,container garden

Winter Container Gardening

Winter container gardening isn't just for people in moderate temperatures. I can include those that live where snow is abundant. Of course, there are two different manners of container winter gardening.

The first is to keep the containers outside. The types of plants grown in these types of winter container gardens must be hardy to at least two temperature zones above yours. That's because the containers expose the roots to the exterior cold. Normally, the ground takes much longer to cool, but a small container only takes hours.

Some of the most best attractive plants for winter container gardening in milder areas are flowering kales and cabbages. The leaves of the kale have bright colors that bring spectacular color to your exterior, in normally drab, drizzly weather. Most of these plants are edible so you can eat your landscape if necessary. Annual grasses, sage, flax and pansies are also some interesting choices for a winter container garden. Radishes actually need colder weather to germinate and some truck farmers sprinkle the seeds on the snow in colder areas.

Dec 14, Winter Gardening Tips.

Winter Gardening

Winter gardening is not for those from the frozen North, unless they have a heated greenhouse.

It's more for the people in the milder climates such as Sacramento, Ca or the state of Washington where the weather doesn't drop much below 35 degrees. The vegetables from a winter garden are far more of a delight, simply because they often taste better since you've allowed them to grow to maturity before you picked. You also have a much fresher vegetable when you grow your own.

Some plants thrive as winter plants. They often require cooler weather to either germinate or develop. Some examples of winter crops that love the cooler weather include root crops like beets or carrots and their leafier counterparts such as lettuce or collard greens. You can divide the types of vegetables you plant by the planting dates. Those with an earlier planting date require more time to mature.

Jan 4, Redwood Bonsai,Caring for Redwood Bonsai,trimming and prunning

Redwood Bonsai

Redwood bonsai trees usually grow over 100 meters in height. They are practically one of the tallest growing wild trees in the world. Hence, redwood is considered an unusual choice for a bonsai tree.

Given the age old practice and technique of bonsai, man became able to control nature and grow bonsai redwood trees. With the right care and tons of patience, redwood bonsai trees can grow into the loveliest piece among your bonsai tree collection.

If you are planning to grow redwood , you need to complete all bonsai care essentials. First, you need to understand how to properly handle redwood bonsai.

First, you need to get a complete set of tool, which include shears, clippers and wire. The shears and clippers are meant for trimming and pruning your redwood bonsai. The wire is used to hold its leaves in place as you train it. These items can easily be found at your local home and garden stores.

The next step is getting some redwood cultivation notes. Never place your bonsai in the ground or in a large pot or bowl. Instead, use shallow pots or bowls to prevent the tree from rapidly growing. Position your bonsai tree pots in full sunlight.

The best bonsai style to apply on redwood is the formal upright styles. Applying other styles on this tree will only make it unhealthy. Since redwood is naturally a very tall treeit is used to buttressing, which explains its lovely strong surfaced roots. Take advantage of this attribute when styling your bonsai.