Flower Gardening - 18 Steps To See A Great Bloom

The activity of gardening is gaining in popularity since it is being viewed as an extremely rewarding pastime that provides plenty of fresh air, exercise, and "beautiful" results. But most people are not content with just a garden full of ordinary plants, but wish to create a landscape of extraordinary flowers! And so the entry of "flower gardening"!

But wait a minute! There should be no mistaken belief that creating a garden full of flowers is an easy task. It involves tough physical labor and demands dedication. Only then will you be able to produce a "work of art".

Any outdoor activity should be acceptable to the surrounding ecosystem; so also flower gardening. The suggestions listed below should help you to grow healthy plants--

(1) It is important to know the "hardiness zone" of the area you are located in. The USA and lower Canada have been divided into various hardiness zones by the USDA, according to a 10-degree Fahrenheit difference in the average minimum temperature. This division will allow you to note which plants can survive in which zones (seed packets or flower guides carry this information), and you can purchase the appropriate flowers for your garden.

(2) You have a vast range of flowering plants to choose from, including butterfly bush, butterfly weed, foxtail lily, African lily or the lily of the Nile, lantana and delphiniums. Nice insects like butterflies and bees will feel like visiting your garden!

(3) If you are unsure about the type of plants you need to pick for your flower gardening, take the help of garden guides and catalogs. They can provide you with all the information you want, including useful tips.

(4) Some of the tips given concern having a mix-and-match garden that displays flowers and plenty of colors all year round! There are early bloomers, late bloomers and mid-season bloomers to choose from. The "early" ones and "late" ones can grow in side-by-side rows, to exhibit alternate blooming times. So also perennials and bulbs. Many more combinations can be tried out, depending on your creativity!

(5) Though most plants have green leaves, there are some with silvery-colored leaves. Some exhibit burgundy-colored leaves. These can become "space fillers", to make up for those flowers which have not yet blossomed/finished blooming.

(6) Before actually starting on your flower gardening project, keep aside a book as a gardening journal. This is what seasoned veterans do, and recording their earlier mistakes have helped them to do better the next time round.

Start off by preparing a sketch or plan of your new garden. Fill in all the details like--the location of your garden, its proposed shape, the flowering plants that you wish to have, a rough arrangement of the plants, and so on. Place pictures too, as you go along. Record your successes and failures. Over a period of time, this journal becomes a "chronicle" of your flower gardening efforts!

(7) Are you planning to have a container garden or a purely outdoor garden? If it is containers that are going to hold your plants, then ensure that the soil conditions are just right inside them. Also, you have to get only those plants that can tolerate temperature changes and exposure to sunlight, because all plants cannot face environmental changes. Again, all plants cannot be grown inside containers.

(8) If it is going to be an outdoor garden, the soil has to be tested first with the help of a soil testing kit. Many local gardening supply stores stock it; in case they are not able to supply one, they can always refer you to a place where the kit is available.

Even without a kit, you should be able to judge the quality of the soil in your yard with the help of your hands. Take some soil in your hand, and rub it back and forth. If the soil comes apart, it indicates the presence of too much of sand. So it cannot store nutrients. Sticking together, indicates that there is too much of clay in the soil. This type of soil does not drain well, and does not allow roots to penetrate easily.

Loam soil (equal amounts of clay and sand) is the best for flower gardening.

(9) Now that you chosen the spot for your garden, start digging. When you have gone about 8 inches to 1 foot in depth, extract the rocks and other unwanted debris that you can find there. Use a rake to split up clods of earth and level the area.

(10) The next step is tilling. About one inch or more of manure or compost is to be added to the dug-up soil. Add even more if it is of poor quality. Grass cuttings or peat moss help to increase water retention capacity if the soil has too much of sand in it. For acidic type of soil, add lime.

When you mix the soil and all the organic components that you have added to it, turning the whole thing over and over a few times, you have "tilled" the soil.

(11) Use the rake again to level the new bed. Some more ammendments have to be added to the soil. Compost goes into the top soil (about 6 inches), along with a general-purpose fertilizer (10-20-10).
(12) Do not start planting your flowers as soon as you have finished adding ammendments. Give them time to enter the soil and spread all across the plot designated for your garden. A few weeks of waiting is necessary. Meanwhile, you can browse the books again so that you are thoroughly prepared when it is actual planting time, with the plants as well as all their requirements.

(13) Now that the time has finally arrived, start sowing the seeds, or planting the seedlings. Smaller ones should take the front seats, while the bigger ones should be placed at the back. Ensure a distance of 3 feet between the plants and any buildings/fences. Also, there should be at least 20 feet of space between your flowers and large trees. Large bushes should maintain a distance of 5 feet from your plants. Other trouble spots to look out for are--steep slopes, places where water tends to stagnate and shallow and rocky soil.

(14) Now that you have come this far in your flower gardening project, it is time to put down a layer of mulch (indicates compost that has not completely decayed) over the garden. A word of caution--ensure that it does not come in contact with the stems of the plants. A layer of 2 to 3 inches of mulch should remain around the plants all the time, especially during the growing seasons.

Weeds can prove detrimental to your garden. As an added precaution, keep layers of wet/damp newspapers under the mulch.

Why mulch? The benefits it provides to the soil include--stabilization of temperature, increase in water retention capacity, addition of nutrients and prevention of excessive growth of weeds.

(15) Do not go in for synthetic substances or chemical pesticides, despite advice from some professional gardeners. You have been "organic" so far; no point in going back to "inorganic"! All that you need to do to make a success of your flower gardening project is to keep the soil quality in top condition. Try to combine plants so that one acts like a "pesticide" for the other. For example, plants like rose and garlic are beneficial to their companions in the garden.

(16) If you are in a hurry to start growing your flowers, there is another option available. Get some jiffy pots that are made from compressed peat moss. Put in potting soil or starting mix. Sow the seeds. Place the pots inside the house in an area where they can can get sufficient sunlight.

Once the plants have attained a height of 4 inches, place the jiffy pots outside in a pre-designated location. The pots rot away and the plants get "attached" to the natural soil by their roots.

In addition, you can look for tips and information about seeds on the backs of seed packages, such as--when and how to sow the seeds, distance to be maintained between plants, etc. Seedlings of course, should be planted as soon as possible.

(17) Like many others, you may not really have an idea about compost or how it is prepared. So, here is some information about this "organic manure".

How is organic matter different from inorganic materials? When there is decaying of the dead remains of animals and plants (remains of any living things, in fact), the decomposed material returns to the soil. The soil therefore gets enriched with vitamins and other nutrients. Its fertility is enhanced, enabling plants to grow healthy.

Thus, when soil is of poor quality, it can be "amended" with the addition of natural manure or compost. Being totally organic in nature, it causes no harm to your garden or the surrounding environment.

Since compost is easy to make on your own, you save on costs as you do not have to pay for readymade manure purchased from the local gardening supply store. You save on time too. The environment will be thankful to you as you are taking care of the large amount of material collecting in landfills!

If your garden soil contains too much of sand, compost will help to retain water. If there is too much of clay, the compost enhances the soil's capacity to drain well. And of course, plenty of nutrients get into the soil with the help of this organic manure.

(18) Finally, how do you prepare your own compost for your flower gardening project?
Dig a pit. Fill it with whatever organic wastes that you can get--lettuce leaves, tea leaves, coffee grounds, banana peels, grass clippings, shredded branches, hay, chopped leaves, garden plants that are free of disease and have finished their season, straw, weeds, shredded papers and newspaper. No bones or meat are to be put in. Whatever is put in, should be small in size--so use a lawn mower or a shredder to reduce the size of some materials.

Once the pile has attained 6 inches in height, use finished compost or soil or manure to cover it. The covering layer should be about 3 to 6 inches thick. Repeat the process of alternate layers of organic materials and finished compost/soil/manure. The final height of the entire pile should be 3 feet.

The compost pile should be started in a shady location. Whenever it seems to go dry, sprinkle water on it; enough to keep it damp, not to make it soggy. There is heat generated that helps to sterilize the forming compost. Keep turning the pile to ensure circulation of oxygen.

When there is no more heat being produced, the pile is ready for use. This compost has to be mixed with soil before planting flowers. It can actually be used in any way possible--as mulch, soil amendment or potting soil. But use it as quickly as possible since the nutrients in it tend to get dissipated.

Thus, your flower gardening project has been entirely "organic" in nature!
Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website http://www.Gardening-Master.com/762/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abhishek_Agarwal

Gardening Advice - Basic Gardening Advice For Beginners

Gardening is a hobby which is both rewarding and enjoyable. You don't have to sweat and tire your body like those who make sports their hobby. Also, with proper gardening advice, you will learn that starting out in gardening does not require a high cost. In this article, you are going to learn about gardening advice for beginners that you must know to get started in gardening.

Planning Out Your Garden
There are a lot of branches in gardening and each one of them requires a massive amount of knowledge and experimenting. Flower gardening, herbs gardening, vegetable gardening and container gardening are some of the different gardening types that you can get started with.

First, you have to know how much space that you have for a garden. If you have little to no space, no worries, you can always do container gardening or indoor gardening. If you have a big garden, you might want to plan the landscape and how much space that can be dedicated to your gardening activities.

Elements of Gardening
No basic gardening advice is complete without introducing to you some of the required elements in gardening. These knowledge is extremely useful if you want to grow a blooming garden that everyone will admire.

Soil - Soil provides the necessary nutrients for your plant. Thus, it is a crucial element in determining your gardening success. Most of the time, the soil in your garden is not enough to ensure optimum growth. Gravel, sand and compost should be mixed properly with your garden soil to maintain the drainage and nutrients of the soil.

Plants - To pick the type of plants that you want to have in your garden, you must first understand the climate of your living area and the amount of sun and rain it receives. You can avoid the fuss of searching high and low for these info by asking your neighbors who actually have their own garden. Local nurseries can be very helpful in providing these gardening advice as well.

Landscape - Basically, the whole presentation and theme of your garden depends on the landscaping. Landscaping involves placing accessories in your garden, allocating different plants to different areas according to a plan and creating a garden with a specified theme. A garden without proper landscaping is like a messy bedroom.

Irrigation - Irrigation is simply referring to the method that you use to water your plants. You can always use the traditional hose watering but it will require some effort. The most sophisticated type of watering system will be the drip irrigation. The obvious downside is that it comes with a high price.
The above gardening advice are some of the very basic gardening tips. if you want to go deeper and learn more interesting gardening tips for FREE, hop over to http://www.gardenstuffs.com now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wendy_Campbell

Why and How to Build a Solar Greenhouse

Are you worried about global warming? Are you worried about the price of food? Do you love eating fresh vegetables from your own garden? These are all excellent reasons to grow your own vegetables. If you want to grow vegetables throughout the year you'll need a greenhouse, unless you live in one of the warmer climates.

Everyone that has eaten fresh corn on the cob or tomatoes, that were picked that day, know that what you buy pales in comparison. Many refuse to eat the store bought stuff again. Not as many people have had fresh kale. I don't know anybody who does not grow kale and likes it. It only tastes good fresh. A friend of mine gave me a baby kale plant last year, and I effused about how much I like kale. He said, "That can't be kale, I hate kale, and I like that stuff." Not only does home grown food taste better, it is more nutritious as well.

So what about global warming? Most of the produce we buy comes from thousands of miles away. All that transportation pollutes our air and worsens the the global warming problem Also the methods used in commercial farming are harder on our environment, including the atmosphere.

So why does your greenhouse need to be a solar greenhouse? Isn't a greenhouse already solar? Most greenhouses warm up when the sun is shining on them, but quickly lose their heat when the sun disappears. Most commercial greenhouses and many hobby ones have supplemental heaters to keep warm on cold nights. That raises the cost of your food and the cost to the environment. A solar greenhouse is designed to store its heat, so it can stay warm enough all night, or for a few cloudy days, if need be.

So how to build your own greenhouse? There are not any really good greenhouse kits for solar greenhouses. You have to build from scratch, but there are some good plans available.

Principles of a good solar greenhouse

Insulate the roof and at least the north wall, and perhaps the east and west walls.
Use double glazing, whether you you glaze your greenhouse with glass or polycarbonate.
Provide thermal storage. Water is the most practical way to store heat. Most low cost solar greenhouses use barrels or oil drums, filled with water, for heat storage.
Make sure your thermal storage is in direct sun for as long as possible
Paint the insides of your greenhouse white, to increase light reflection onto your plants. Paint your thermal storage black to absorb more heat.
Orient your greenhouse so that its longest wall faces south. Tilt the south wall so that it faces the Winter sun.

Those are the basics. Of course it can get much more complicated. Of course, before you get started, you will want to read more on the specifics of building a greenhouse, and in particular a solar greenhouse. Good luck and happy growing.
To learn more about solar greenhouses, go to http://allthingsgreenhouse.com

Edward Sanderson has been a lifelong gardener, and wants to see everyone eating their own fresh veggies every day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edward_Sanderson

Gardening With Vinegar - Tips and Uses of Vinegar in Your Garden

Gardening with vinegar has many uses and benefits and best of all, it is safe to use, doesn't harm the environment, is freely available and it is cheap! It really is, therefore your organic and eco-friendly pesticide, insecticide, and herbicide.

Here you will learn about these benefits and pick up a few tips along the way. It can also be used full-strength or diluted depending on the job at hand. It can also be used quite readily in the kitchen, bathroom and other areas of the house, but today, we are going to just concentrate on the outside areas. One word of warning, however, remember that when it is all said and done, you are working with acid, so make sure you protect your eyes. So what exactly can vinegar do for you?

First of all, for those of you who are plagued by pests and little critters in the garden, fret no more. It will keep cats at bay if you spray in areas you want to deter them, particularly that sand-pit you may have in the garden for the children but those cats will insist on using as their own private toilet! Heavily spray full-strength vinegar around the edges of the sandpit and remember to re-apply after it rains.

Are those rabbits eating your vegetables, particularly your beans and peas? Soak corncobs in full strength vinegar for a couple of hours until they are thoroughly soaked. You may even soak them over-night if you wish. Then place the cobs strategically around your veggie patch. They will keep rabbits away for as long as you re-soak your corncobs every two weeks.

Do you have an ant problem? Again you can apply this full-strength to the ants and they will not come anywhere near the stuff. This is very useful if you find a trail of them making a way into your house. Just spray the thresholds and reapply every couple of days to ensure that they stay away.

Slugs are real pests, because they eat both vegetables, especially lettuces and plants, especially hostas. In this case, vinegar acts as a poison to the slugs because, if you spray slugs with it directly, they will die. You can treat snails in exactly the same way. However, because vinegar is also a herbicide, be careful where you spray your vinegar. Salvias for example will die, if they are sprayed as a casualty.

Are your fruit trees being invaded by fruit flies? Try this fruit fly bait, which is deadly and effective. Take 1 cup of water, a half a cup of cider vinegar, a quarter of a cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon of molasses. Mix it all together. Take old tin cans without their lids and make two holes in opposite ends for wire handles. Attach the handles and add an inch of the mixture to each can. Hang 2 - 3 tins in each tree. Check on the traps on a regular basis to refill and clean when necessary.

After you have been digging in the garden with your gardening tools, soak them in a bucket of half-strength vinegar. This will act as a fungicide and kill off anything that may be lurking unsuspectingly so that there is no possibility of cross-contamination when you use them next.

Are your garden plants struggling and your roses suffering from black spot or other fungal diseases? Take 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and mix it with 4 litres of compost tea. Now spray your garden plants with this mixture and see the difference. For roses, the method is slightly different. Take 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar, and mix it with 4 litres of water to control those fungal diseases. Of course, don't forget the compost tea either on your roses to get the best results. For powdery mildew take 2-3 tablespoons of cider vinegar and mix with 4 litres of water and spray your plants. This will help control the problem.

What about your acid-living plants like azaleas, gardenias and rhododendrons? Are they flowering as well as they could be? If not, increase the soil's acidity. In hard water areas, add 1 cup of vinegar to 4 litres of tap water. It will also release iron into the soil for the plants to use. And if you have too much lime in your garden, add vinegar to neutralize it.

Do you have weeds coming up in between your paving slabs on our driveway or pathway that you cannot remove by hand? Don't use a herbicide that is know to damage the environment. Use an eco-friendly alternative instead. Take 1 litre of boiled water, 2 tablespoons of salt and 5 tablespoons of vinegar. Mix altogether, and whilst still hot, pour onto the offending plants.

Did you know that you can improve your germination success rate of seeds by using vinegar? This is especially useful for those seeds that are more difficult to germinate such as asparagus and okra, morning glories and moonflowers. Rub the seeds gently first between two pieces of coarse sandpaper. Then soak the seeds overnight in 500 ml of warm water, 125 ml of vinegar and a squirt of washing-up liquid. Plant the next day as normal. You can use the same method, but without the sandpaper for nasturtiums, parsley, beetroot, and parsnips.

And finally, are your chickens pecking each other? Add a tablespoon of cider vinegar to their drinking water, and they will stop!
Written by Kathryn Bax, owner and web site developer of Country Living and Farm Lifestyles: A Worldwide Farmers' Market for Farm Food, Farm Accommodation, Game Farms, Wine Farms, Farming Jobs, Farm Swaps, Rural Services, Country Living and much, much more. Buy local and support your local farmers.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathryn_Bax

The Perfect Garden Starts With Choosing the Right Plants and Flowers

Deciding to plant a garden is something many homeowners and apartment dwellers choose to do and in many cases a garden does not have to be one planted in the ground, it can be a potted garden.

One the decision is made then a visit to the garden center is on the list, this is where all the plants and flowers can be found, bushes and trees and where a professional can help guide the choices made. Not every plant is right for every garden, some need more sunlight than others and some flowers bloom at different times.

The key to a good garden is to have flowers that bloom at different times, plants and foliage that will grow properly in the pots or area the garden will be located with the right amount of sun. The sun can be a deciding factor if a plant or flower will grow properly, too much sun can burn some plants and flowers and to little sun can make some flowers and plants not grow quickly or flower at all.

These are some of the things to be concerned with when planting a garden and by using a garden center the plants will be in perfect shape, they will not be root bound, which is something found when purchasing plants and flowers at other places. The person working at the garden center will be a professional that will be able to answer questions about the plants and flowers helping to make educated decisions on what will work in this garden.

Most gardeners have ideas about what their garden should look like, what type of plants and flowers they want and how they will make it a place of beauty in their yard and this is where visiting the garden center comes in and this is where all the different varieties will be found.

Each plant that is chosen should have a place to be planted that will afford it the amount of light and shade that it will need to have a breathtaking garden, it is this reason that every beautiful flower should not be chosen. Only those that will grow to its full beauty in the location of the garden, this will ensure that the garden will look its best. This again is where the garden center is a place to purchase plants, this is because they will be healthy and clearly marked what type of light and water they will need and if they will grow good in pots for the apartment garden.

Planting a garden can be a thing of joy and it can be a breathtaking site in a yard or on an apartment patio when the right plants and flowers are chosen and the right vegetables to lend their colors. They will also lend special tastes to the table when they have ripened as an extra treat of having a garden and it all begins with the garden center.
Callie Morris is a writer for Roger's Garden Center

http://www.rogersgardens.com/lp/Garden-Center.asp in Orange County, CA. They are experts on garden landscaping and have many garden accents and supplies to keep your garden looking wonderful.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Callie_Morris

Garden Appearance - 4 Basic Tips On Creating A Beautiful Garden

Gardening is an enjoyable hobby. Gardening can be undertaken by any interested individual just about anywhere, so long as light, soil and space is available to grow plants. Once a decision is made to have a garden, the next step is to select the garden environment. Many factors affect the ambiance and visual appeal of any garden. A few tips to help you with the organization of your garden are listed below:

1. Garden Borders and Fencing:
This is an important factor to give a proper definition to your garden area. A garden border can be made out of wood or metal. Stacking up wooden boards around the boundary of the garden can give it a cabin look. Metal fencing will give it the modern look. Metal lining is cheaply available at any local home improvement store, and can be installed quite easily.

2. Plant Supports:
Most plants need some kind of support during the growing stage. Sometimes a short pole made of either wood or metal will suffice. Plants like tomatoes need a wire mesh for support. This is usually in the form of a cone, which lends support to the plant. As the plant grows, the wire mesh can be cut off with a pair of wire cutters. Flowering wines look beautiful if they are supported on a trellis.

3. Soil Requirements:
Soil requirement depends on the type of plants that will be grown in the garden. This will need some research as to what would be the ideal soil depth for the plants. Once you get an idea of the ideal soil depth, dig out the area in your garden, and take measurements to find out the quantity in cubic feet. The required quantity of soil can then be purchased from the plant nursery. The soil can be mixed with some nutrients in the form of compost and layered on the ground. It is necessary to add some form of nutrients if the area is rough and barren. Purchasing a few extra bags of soil is a good idea to replenish the soil if it runs out or compresses upon watering.

4. Plant Placement:
Placing the plants correctly is an important aspect of gardening. Some plants are more aggressive in the collection of water. Such plants usually have long roots and may over grow other plants. It is better to grow plants that need similar water conditions, together. Plants have to be arranged according to the visual effect you would like to create in your garden.

Before taking up any gardening activity, it is prudent to research on the subject. The best way is to read up at the library or magazines and on the internet. Some information can be gathered from the local plant nursery too. Very often, experience is the best teacher. Your own experience and observations as you go about growing a garden will help you make the correct selection of all the items required for your gardening project.
Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website http://www.Gardening-Master.com/762/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abhishek_Agarwal

Greenhouse Supplies - Tips To Create The Perfect Greenhouse

A greenhouse is basically a very simple thing. By means of glass or plastic the sun's energy is trapped in the air and soil so that an enclosed space is warmed allowing plants to grow optimally. While the principle of the thing is very simply the devil, as they say, is in the detail.

To get the most out of your greenhouse you are going to need some supplies to make it an efficient system. Your aim is create in an artifical environment the best growing conditions for plants that would not normally thrive in northern latitudes or at high altitude. Your plants need warmth and humidity, but they also need ventilation because without a good air flow disease can result.

You also need to get the maximum number of plants into the relatively small space of your greenhouse. Whether your aim is fruit and vegetables for the kitchen or exotic flowers for the house or show bench you need to exploit your greenhouse to the full extent of its potential. Otherwise it just becomes inefficient. A greenhouse is an intensive system.

Even you rely only on the sun's rays to heat your greenhouse and do not have any form of supplementary heating you will need to think about a range of equipment. You will certainly need a method of venting the greenhouse. On a sunny day a greenhouse can become too hot and plants will suffer. The simplest method is to walk out there and open the door and a window. But if you are at work all day or plan to take vacations that is not a satisfactory solution. An automatic system of ventilation for the greenhouse is the answer.

Automatic ventilation may be as simple as an electronic mechanism that opens a window or a more elaborate system of fans. They are triggered by a thermostat. You can start with something basic and invest in a more elaborate system as you develop your greenhouse.

The same is true for watering. I could walk out to the greenhouse with a watering can. But do I want to do that four or five times a day in high season? Even the most enthusiastic grower might hesitate at that. No, an automatic watering system is the answer even for a small greenhouse. It can be quite simple. A passive system using capillary matting is cheap and easy to maintain. At a more complex level there are systems of drip feed pipes that deliver water to the plants.

For all the year round growing a greenhouse will certainly need lighting. Lights will extend your growing season. There are a number of types available for greenhouses.

Bringing power to the greenhouse is a skilled job. Get an electrician to install an outdoor power supply if you do not already have one. The control systems themselves can be built by an enthusiastic amateur. The parts are available at electronic hobbyist suppliers. Most of us would probably prefer to buy them ready made. They are a good investment in the long term because they will ensure the best conditions for your plants and allow you to take a break.

You should also think about how you intend to grow your plants. Will the plants be in containers on benches or will they grow in the ground? Plants will grow quite happily in the ground. But if you grow the same kind of plant year after year in the same place there can be a build up of disease. The traditional answer to this problem was to replace the soil in the greenhouse annually. That must have been back breaking work. A better solution is to use a growing medium that can be replaced annually. A commercial potting compost is an ideal solution. These are usually light to handle because they are based on peat or, even better, coconut fibre or bark which are both sustainable resources.

Benches, or greenhouse staging, is very useful. Smaller plants or seedlings can be placed at a higher level. They also provide space for mixing compost and repotting plants. If the greenhouse is to be used by someone who has mobility problems then this becomes even more important. A gardener with limited mobility can derive great pleasure from a greenhouse if it is planned properly. Good access is important for all gardeners but especially so for those with mobility problems. A path of well laid paving stones is essential for any greenhouse.
Abhishek is passionate about Greenhouse Gardening and he has got some great Greenhouse Maintenance Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 94 Pages Ebook, "Greenhouse Maintenance" from his website http://www.Gardening-Master.com/788/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abhishek_Agarwal

10 Best Vegetables to Grow in Fall

Fall vegetables don't require any special care; in fact, you'll spend less time caring for your fall crops because of the favorable autumn growing conditions. Generally, plants will grow rapidly at first and gradually slow as the days become shorter and colder. Here are some tips and ideas for learning how to grow fall vegetables and what are the 10 best vegetables to grow in fall.

You'll be happy to discover that destructive insects won't be as numerous as the summer months.
You will also struggle less with weed control because the weeds will germinate less frequently and grow slower than they do during the warmer growing seasons. Compared to the hot and dry summers, fall usually brings an increase in the amount of precipitation, eliminating another time consuming garden chore of irrigating the garden.

With just a little attention and effort you may be surprised to find that growing fall vegetables in the backyard garden and planters is even more enjoyable than planting a vegetable garden during the spring and summer seasons. Why? It's simple. Cooler autumn temperatures make it a delight to spend time outside in the garden and also provide an advantage when it's time to harvest your fall crops.

Maturing crops including cabbages and root crops will maintain their quality and stand much longer in the garden during the fall season. Leafy greens can be harvested a leaf or two at a time from each plant during the season, leaving the smaller leaves in the center portion of the plant to continue growing and producing new leaves. Or you can harvest all of the leaves at once from the mature plants late in the season.

Following is a list of fast growing, cold hardy crops that are ideal for fall vegetable gardening. These are our top ten vegetables to grow in fall:
· Kale - Nutritious leafy greens on productive plants that surpass winter easily, even in very cold climates.
· Collards - Another leafy green similar to kale, but with larger, stronger flavored leaves are the collards.
· Lettuce - Plant varieties bred especially for growing during the fall season or in cold frames.
· Turnips - Here's a quick maturing root crop that's productive and easy to grow.
· Rutabagas - Larger and sweeter than turnips, plant rutabagas earlier in the summer for a full fall harvest.
· Broccoli - Popular, productive, and much easier to grow than cauliflower. Plus, its high dose of fiber and calcium keeps a body good
· Mustard - Spicy hot leaves; this is a very fast growing vegetable.
· Cabbage - Grow from transplants (like broccoli and cauliflower) or start seeds indoors under lights.
· Arugula - Fast growing leafy greens for salads or gourmet recipes.
· Leeks - One of the hardiest plants in the garden, leeks can even withstand winter freezes.
Matt Buquoi is the owner of Flower Window Boxes, a custom window box and planter company that specializes in affordable no rot window boxes. PVC window boxes and deck planters are great for showing off an array of beautiful plants, flowers, and vegetables from the convenience of your window, deck, or patio. You can visit their website to see more ideas for growing plants and vegetables from porch and deck planters.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Buquoi

4 Things About FirePots That Everyone Should Know

You have probably seen a movie where there is a huge bowl filled with oil or tar and is set a flame. Now, imagine that same concept, but scaled down a bit and burning an eco-friendly fuel. That is very close to what a FirePot is. So, if you are like most people, right now you might have been wondering what these pots are and most importantly, why you should even know anything about them.

Because they are a fairly new product, you'll surely begin to hear more and more about them, as more and more people just like you are acquiring them every day. With that in mind, you'll soon know if this type of product is going to be for you and your indoor or outdoor decor in a few moments.

First, it is very important to know that these decorative pots are made of a ceramic, with an artisan glaze, and are intended to be used for both indoors and outdoors. One of the main concerns that you will want to be aware of while using your FirePots indoors, is to make sure you have the regular gel fuel when using them indoors. This may sound simple, but this is a commonly overlooked concern that can now be avoided with your broadened insight.

Because the citronella gel fuel is not appropriate for indoors, and could cause some health concerns if used indoors, this is why we strongly suggest having the regular gel fuel for indoor usages, and the citronella gel fuel for outdoor usages, as being the most important thing to know about these new decorative FirePots.

Secondly, these ceramic pots are designed to be aesthetically pleasing, regardless of your current indoor or outdoor decor motif. When you are browsing the wide selection of pots, you will notice that the artisan glazes will nicely blend, mix and compliment just about any different varieties of home decor motifs that you may have. Especially outdoor decor motifs. But, we will review more on that in a moment.

When picking out your decor, for indoors and outdoors, it is usually a great idea to consult with your significant other. This is usually recommended with most major home decor and outdoor decor purchases and home upgrades. However, these decorative items are really more of an accent piece, and this type of consulting is not really necessary to get into for this type of accessory purchasing. Besides, you may be surprised that when you receive your new ceramic gel fuel FirePots, your significant other will probably want to get several more. Once they have seen how beautiful these decorative ceramic home and garden accents truly are, this is what usually happens.

The third thing that you should know about the decorative ceramic FirePots is that there is a very limited number of places to get them. Most of the other types of pots that are available are not the artisan glazed ceramic pots like being described here. Cool garden things are actually not everywhere you might imagine them to be. These new ceramic pots are cool no doubt, and you will not need to look far for just the right place to put one, once you get yourself a couple of them.

Finally, another important thing to know about these decorative accent pieces, and fourth on this list of things you should know about FirePots, is that they have been designed to be a timeless piece of decor. When you have classic, beautiful, handcrafted and glazed ceramic decor, it is really something special and unique. They will surely last for several seasons and be at the top of your list when ever you are entertaining guests.

And to note on that, your guests will definitly take notice of these decorative accent pieces. This is great because it will probably make way for an excellent conversation piece all the while enjoying its beauty and twittering flame. Besides, we all love to get our guests a little envious, right...

So, with an understanding more about the important things to know and consider with these decorative pots, you surely will have a wonderful time this year decorating your home and garden, both indoors and outdoors, with beautiful, hand glazed, ceramic, gel fuel FirePots.
by J.Raoul

Remember, It's OK Now, You Have Cool Garden Things!

Cool Garden Things, Inc. is an online etailer of decorative home and garden decor. Specializing in Cool garden things.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J._Raoul

Six Great Garden Design Tips

Whether you are in a place where you have a brand new area to design and landscape, or you are looking for fast and fun ways to overhaul your existing garden, you will find that there are some tips that can make it a lot easier to get the design that you want. When you are looking to get a fresh and dramatic new look for your garden design, make sure that you keep these tips in mind.

1.Take in the whole picture.
When you are looking at garden design, remember that you should take into account the whole area. Make sure that the part of the garden that you are working on is going to mesh well with the other parts. If you take in the big picture at the beginning, you will be able to have a better plan for the garden as a whole.

2.Judge your plant height
When you are looking to put in new plants, make sure that you know how tall they will grow and how wide a footprint they are going to need. While this may give you a rather sparse garden to start with, you will find that you will be grateful for your foresight when your plants grow in.

3.Choose wider flower beds
When you are planning flower beds, remember that for the most part, the wider your flower beds are, the more attractive they are going to be. You will find that a wider bed will give you a more lush look to your garden, as well as making sure that you can have some artfully arranged sprawl of the plants you choose, saving you from a look that is too harsh or geometric.

4.Clean lines
When you are lying out some decorative edging or when you are plotting out your flower beds, remember that you should make the lines as clean as possible. Stay away from lines that are overly complex; try to avoid lines that wiggle or that zig-zag. If you prefer a more geometric shape, you will find that the line of your flower beds should be straight, while a curve, whether gentle or dramatic, will soften the look.

5.Do some color planning
When you are planning your garden design, remember that you should think about the colors that appeal to you. While of course this refers to the color of the flowers that you have chosen, don't forget to choose plants that have complementary green tones as well. Also think about what will be in bloom when; with the right planning, you can have an explosion of good color for nearly the length of your growing season!

6.Anchor your garden
When you are looking to make a unified harmonious garden design, remember that your garden should have a good focal point. Whether it is a lovely trellis or a small fountain or a bench, take some time to think about where you want your guests' eyes to land when they first enter your garden. Think about what your design sensibility is like, and make sure that find a focal point that suits you and pleases your eye!
Isola Garden Design are top Warwickshire landscape gardeners and garden designers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_George_Cole

Hydroponics Gardening - The Best Form Of Non-Conventional Gardening

There is a kind of gardening called the hydroponics gardening. It is adopted by many people for different reasons. These are small size gardens and can be grown within a small area of land. They are good to grow vegetables especially red juicy tomatoes. It is easy to manage and is less expensive than the conventional way of gardening.

In this type of gardening we do not use soil and hence it is called as "dirt less gardening". Most of the time, the yield in the hydroponics type of gardening is better. It is much easier to maintain and give the plant its needs at the right time. The plants will consume what you provide them with. Thus the regulation of nutrient strength, pH, light amount, nutrients and water amount is enabled.

Hydroponics gardening will seem to be difficult if we make it so. We can control the light, nutrients and water cycles of the plants by using sensors in computers. If you grow a single plant then it can be made easier by using manual work to maintain it. There are some basic things that a home hydroponics system would need. They are, light (artificial or natural), water controlled pump (or other watering equipment), a growing tray, and an air pump to provide oxygen supply to the nutrients.

Hydroponics gardening requires a certain growing medium. They can be perlite, gravel, vermiculite, coconut fiber, air, Rockwool. You can get these from a nursery or a gardening store. You can get the parts and plant one of your own. Also, there are ready-made kits available in market especially in the gardening supply stores.

For a healthy plant growth micro nutrients are required. Like calcium, sulfur, magnesium, boron, cobalt, zinc, iron, manganese and copper. These are important and essential elements to be present in the plants. If not they will lead to health problems when consumed. The fertilizer used must be a quality brand when it comes to hydroponics gardening.

The pH balance is a significant factor in hydroponics gardening and it must be properly regulated. The absorption of nutrients is lessened if the pH level is unbalanced in a plant. This is where the advantage of hydroponics gardening comes. The simplicity with which pH level of plants is controlled is much greater than that of conventional dirt gardening.

Actually, There are different kinds of hydroponics gardening. Few of the basic types are water culture, wick, drip, ebb and flow, aeroponic and N.F.T. hydroponics gardening is affordable, easy, and you have an yield of fresh produce herbs & spices, flowers all year long!
Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website http://www.Gardening-Master.com/762/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abhishek_Agarwal

The Benefits Of Organic Lawn Care

Have you ever wondered why organic lawn precision is talked about so much at plot centers and lawn mind product stores? Or having you wondered why you would want to use organic fertilizer instead of the typical man-made fertilizer?

I wondered that for the existence as well, pending I ongoing researching the profit of organic lawn bother. Now that I have done my own researched and talked too many different people in the lawn control trade, I will forever use organic goods on my lawn. And I will do so not only because it is better for the environment, but because in the long-run it is much better for my lawn and will make it so I actually don't have to do as much yard work.

Many people think that if the pay superstar $400 a year to paste fertilizer and tidy killer on their yard that their yard should look great. However, if they do not pay attention to the class of their soil then they will never have the yard the goal about, and the meadow will literally be greener on the other section (i.e. the neighbors yard you always envy).

The soil is the center of your lawn and developing good soil could very well be the most import quality of a good lawn treatment system. This is because the roots, or the most important part of your lawn, live there. If you do not have well roots, then you will not have wholesome grassland; and, if you do not have wholesome soil, then you will not have healthful roots.

Cultivating and developing vigorous soil can be a difficult method, but it can be accomplished if you work at it over time. Even while you will have to work hard to happen healthful soil, you won't have to work as hard after you get there. Good watering practice, good mowing techniques, and good organic lawn charge goods will help you seriously in both developing your soil and then maintaining your soil afterwards.

Good watering habits and good mowing techniques are what I call clear factors in a good lawn burden plan, each understands that you essential to water and mow your lawn well to have a healthy lawn. However, many people do not understand why using organic food on your lawn is much better than using man made fertilizers and other man made lawn problem food.

To justify, remember that while your lawn wishes the ingredients found in all fertilizers, that is not all your lawn requests to be healthy. Your lawn also needs microbial macrobial life. Worm and other critters are great for your lawn in producing much needs nutrients for your soil. However, man-made chemical fertilizers typically will deter them, while the organic fertilizer will attract them (no you will not have tons of bugs crawling over your lawn, they will be in your soil where you can't see them).

Man made fertilizers typically include a lot of salt, which microbial life does not like at all. While these unnatural fertilizers will make the blades of lawn junction green fast, it will do nothing to support your soil and will actually hurt your soil over time. An organic lawn trouble syllabus will do the take opposite for the soil. It will help you promote and arise the soil, while also feeding the grass.

In the long-run, using organic harvest on your lawn will give you the lawn you want and you won't have to pay the $400 a year for superstar to come out and take care of it for you.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

About the Author:
Read about tulip bulb and tulip care at the Planting Tulips website.

Hisbicus Flowers Planting In Your Home

First, the uneatable flora. In Bahasa Malaysia, plants on tyres does not mean the cute part of a workshop enveloped by delicate petals. When a passage police officer warns you that there are "no plants" on your tyres, he is actually adage the tyres are so gravely worn that he himself cannot see the tread patterns anymore. Oh, oh! You are in problem with the Malaysian transfer law.

At the end of a fiscal year, employees look forwards to "flora" from Malaysian bosses. Most doubtless, a more month's bonus of salary is as wonderful as plants in their eyes. The same thought applies to "flora" given by the banks, in this suit, it is the fascinate. The blessed employee who receives "plants" from his boss and mound can allow to buy "flaming flora." He ignites the fuse of a "heated flower" to propel it shooting high up into the sky where it blossoms into a large parade of fireworks.
As with other cultures, the female gender is considered a figurative flower in Bahasa Malaysia. A teenage lass is a "bud" who quickly matures into "a flower in the garden" sense she is specific and available to be chosen as a partner. If a man chooses her to be "the flower adorning" his fuzz, he marries her. By with beauty harvest flooding the Malaysian souk, a married lady doesn't have to go out of influence after having children. She could still be "the flower" of a community gathering, that is, the fairest of them all.

A splendid party episode such as a Malay wedding calls for "assorted flowers." Various flowers are diverse with frayed grass of pandanus, forcible skinned emerald and cologne in a small basket. This basket is sited in the bridal chamber and smoked with enrage. Imagine the smell that fills up the scope. Replicas flanked the newlyweds of coconut blossoms as they sit together on a stand fit for a queen. A gift of "egg flower" is given to the guests to a Malay wedding. Traditionally, it is made by inserting the hunt of artificial flower to an egg. A fresh way of making "egg flower" these days is to hang the egg in an attractive way on the stem of a flower.

The flower with the strangest identity is the public flower of Malaysia, , the hibiscus. From here, we are talking about ripe flowers. The Malays boiled roots of the pasty hibiscus to cure a extend of diseases such as flu, eye and skin ailments. Chinese worn hibiscus juice to colour their hairs while the Portuguese used it to colour their shoes. In scrutiny of its usefulness and grand national position, it is strange there forefront that "hibiscus" also refers to an immoral female in Bahasa Malaysia!

Folks who passion wretched cheese should be able to understand Malaysians' attachment to their unhappy-colour rice salad and desserts.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

About the Author:
Find tips about growing hibiscus and hibiscus seeds at the Hibiscus Care website.

Tools For Your Greenhouse

Enhancing your greenhouse is not as simple as how you enhance your decorations or designs at home. In reality, it is utterly different thing compared to what enhancements that you do, whether at home, in your work situate, in your patch, etc.

Hence, when it comes to greenhouses, obtaining some accessories is not actually your average way of creating a good impression that you can swank about with your links. To obtain some greenhouse accessories is actually to buy things that will be of good use to your greenhouse.
Nevertheless before we narrow down to the accessories that you should to connect for your greenhouse, you should know first the value of greenhouse.

Basically, greenhouse is makeup where plants are nurtured and urban. While other s call it hot house or glasshouse, this is because a greenhouse, is in detail, made of tumbler. Sometimes there are greenhouses that are made of forced.

The core disputed why greenhouses are built with this kind of equipment is to allocate the intensity launch from the sun to enter the house to restful up the plants, soil, and other stuff that are natural inside the edifice. The passion that sets inside the greenhouse does not clearly pastime the place. It stays inside the assembly, hence, warming the air inside.

Because charming worry of plants in a greenhouse is just the same as promotion them in a normal plot, there is not so much of a riddle that needs to be divulged here. However, not all the accessories that are being worn in a standard plot farming are the same as that of the objects worn in greenhouses.

Hence, it is important for every person, who requests to set up his or her own greenhouse, to know the different greenhouse accessories that must be purchased and used inside the orangery.

Here is an incline of the needed greenhouse accessories:

1. Temperature gauges

Since the sincerity that seeps inside the greenhouse is not directly dispersed or free because it continues to hold onto the ramparts or ceilings of the orangery, it is important to keep footprint of the unfilled temperature within the vicinity.

With the temperature gauges, you can simply perceive the presented temperature inside the greenhouse. With this plan set up inside the place, you can clearly spot any radical changes in the temperature inside.

Most of the temperature gauges have large dials, like that of a meter. In this way, you can easily see the offered temperature sense.

2. Thermostats

For best temperature inspect within the greenhouse, it is important to use a thermostat to command the total of temperature within the matter.

Moreover, thermostats are specially intended to promote ventilation in the conservatory. In this way, the warmth or warmth within the theme is managed.

3. Humidistat

Controlling temperature within the greenhouse is important, but where temperature matters, so does dampness. This is because, when a certain place gets hot, the surrounding air gets damp or damp. Hence, it is also important to influence the total of damp inside the orangery.

This kind of maneuver is made existing for people who hope to restrict the hotness inside while care the damp stiffen in such a way that it provides enough dampness for the plants. Too much fervor can dry up the air. Hence, it is important to use this tool to find if there is some humidity that is still stage in the air.

4. Lighting accessories

Most of the lighting order being used inside the conservatory is the "grow light." The refers to the gadget that boosts the total of light inside the hothouse, especially when the amount of light is inadequate. This is generally applicable and very positive during the coldness spice.

5. Light meters

Indeed, plants need light to grow and improve in an improved way. However, it does not necessarily mean that too much light is still vigorous for the plants.

Hence, it is important to keep footstep of the amount of light that is being fed to the plants. With light meters, you can regulate the amount of light that you think would best work for your plants.

These are just some of the many greenhouse accessories vital to boost the strong development of the plants. Just keep in care to believe the situation of your greenhouse and the type of the plants to uncover the right accessories that would best work for you and your plants.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

About the Author:
Want to find out about care of roses and rose diseases? Get tips from the Types Of Roses website.

Creating the Ideal Soil For Plants in Your Garden

Since each region is so different and has different weather, the soil in each region will need to be prepared for plants in a different way. In order to get the soil to the ideal composition to create a garden, you will need to have a basic idea of what type of garden you would like to have and then plan to treat the soil accordingly.

If you live in a very cold climate but you want to have a garden made up of plants that like soil that has a different chemical composition than the soil that is in your area, you may need to spend more than a few months treating the soil with fertilizers and other soil builders in order to get the soil ready for planting.
Sometimes the soil in a region has very little nutrients in it so just a regular application of fertilizers will not be enough for plants to grow in. If your soil is nutritionally deficient, there are products you can buy at garden centers that will start to add the needed nutrients to the soil.

Not sure if you need these types of products or what type of soil is prevalent in your area? Stop into your local garden center and ask one of the associates about the most common growing conditions in your region. The staff at your local gardening center will be the best ones to answer your questions about setting up a garden in the particular area where you live.

Once you have started preparing the soil, it's best to let the soil sit for 2-3 months to give the microorganisms in the soil the time they need to break down the nutrients in the soil and the mulch to form the perfect nutrient rich, plant friendly soil. It's not a requirement that you start preparing the soil that early but it's a very good idea, especially if you live in an area that has very rough, very poor, or very deficient soil.

In some areas, that might mean starting to prepare the soil while it's still winter, but doing so will make a big difference in the success of your garden.
When you are starting to plan your garden time line, remember that you need to schedule time to prepare the soil at least 2-3 months in advance of when you want to actually begin planting your garden. To learn about more tips and tricks on gardening the easy way, visit http://EasyGardening.BestOfResults.com You'll discover the steps that can help cut down on the time it takes to create and tend to a garden.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alicia_McWilliams

3 Components of Preparing the Soil For a Garden

Gardening experts say that you should start to prepare your soil for planting well in advance of when you actually want to plant your garden. Most experts say that you should begin preparing the soil anywhere from 2-4 months before planting. So you might end up preparing the soil before you even decide what type of garden you want to have!

Why is it so important to prepare the soil? After all, plants have been growing for millions of years, right? Shouldn't you be able to just stick a plant in the ground and watch it grow? Nope. Different plants require different types of soil, and soil needs to have a lot of nutrients in it as well as a balanced PH level in order for plants to take root and thrive. Preparing the soil for planting a flower garden can be a very serious business.

There are three components of preparing the soil for a garden:
1. Clear the area - Pick up any brush, twigs, branches, rocks, or other debris and get them all out of the way. You should be starting with a nice, level, flat, clean area that you want to have your garden in. If you have to mark off a garden space, use rocks, spacers, or other identifiable items to mark out the area that you are claiming as a garden.

2. Aerate the soil - It's important to break up and aerate the soil that you will be planting in. Use a rototiller or a hand tiller or even a spade to break up the ground and turn over the soil. While you are breaking up the soil, be on the lookout for any rocks or branches that may be buried under the soil and clear those out too.

3. Add nutrients - You will need to add a few bags of potting soil that has been enriched with plant vitamins and nutrients or mulch or both to the existing soil. Mix the new into the old so that the nutrients in the mulch and vitamin enriched soil blend into the original soil.
To learn about more tips and tricks on gardening the easy way, visit http://EasyGardening.BestOfResults.com You'll discover the secrets that can help cut down on the time it takes to create and tend to a garden.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alicia_McWilliams

6 Types of Gardens That You Can Plan For

There are many different types of gardens. So many that it might seem daunting to try and figure out which type of garden you want to plant. Let's start with the most basic two types of gardens: Flower and Vegetable. Those are pretty self-explanatory right? Of course they are. Then it gets tricky. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular types of gardens that you can choose, but remember that the only real limit to the type of the garden you can create is your own imagination.

1) English Country Garden

English Country gardens are very popular with people of European descent and fans of the English countryside. As the name suggests, English Country gardens are made up of plants and flowers that are typically found in an English countryside. The types and varieties of plants and flowers used vary depending on which part of the English countryside you are trying to recreate. English Country gardens very often incorporate wildflowers, rustic wood or stone benches, and water in the form of ponds or small gazing pools.

2) Victorian Garden

Victorian gardens are also very popular, particularly with older gardeners. Victorian gardens can incorporate many different types of plants and flowers but usually also will have stone statues or cherubs or gargoyles, lots of Victorian roses, colored and bejeweled gazing balls or fairy balls, and stone benches or footpaths.

3) Japanese Garden

Japanese gardens are becoming more and more popular although they can be difficult to recreate if you don't have a lot of land for your garden. Traditionally, Japanese gardens have a small structure at the heart of the garden, either a home or a teahouse which looks out over the rest of the garden. Japanese gardens incorporate traditional elemental design that usually feature rocks, water in the form of a brook or a lake, a lantern somewhere in the garden, and a bridge or stepping stones.

4) French Garden

French gardens are always formal and are usually the type of gardens found at large houses, hotels, theatres, and other attractions. French gardens are laid out in precise geometrical and symmetrical patterns that follow a grid. Many French gardens have hedge mazes and topiaries, or plants and hedges cut to resemble animals, people, or shapes. French formal gardens were very popular landscape designs used frequently by the English nobility to dress up their country homes. It was not at all uncommon to see a precise and very ornate French garden in the middle of the English countryside.

5) Native Garden

The idea of a Native garden is a relatively new concept that is sweeping across the US and attracting a lot of new people to gardening. The idea behind a Native garden is to use only plants and flowers that are native to the region you live in. Conservationists say that planting native gardens will help the soil and provide refuge for local animals while sustaining the ecological balance of the area. Fans of the look of native gardens think that it makes the landscape look more natural.

6) Tropical Garden

Tropical gardens are popular because they are often full of exotic plants with gorgeous deep colors and lush foliage. Tropical gardens are stunning but are the most difficult type of garden to create because the delicate tropical plants only thrive in very specific conditions. Maintaining a Tropical garden is a bit like having a salt water fish tank - both are exploding with color, they are exotic and mysterious, and both require a lot of time, knowledge, and effort to keep alive.
Find out more about tips and tricks at http://EasyGardening.BestOfResults.com that can help cut down on the time it takes to create and tend to a garden.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alicia_McWilliams

3 Untold Physical Benefits of Gardening

Any type of exercise is good. Most people don't get even half of the recommended amount of exercise for their age group. Gardening is a fun hobby that can contribute to physical fitness because gardening helps to build physical fitness in several ways. Regular physical exercise helps people ward off serious illness like heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, and even some types of cancer. In addition to warding off disease, exercise helps people by improving essential physical fitness traits like:
1) Endurance - It can take many hours of squatting, walking, and otherwise moving in the garden to get your garden ready to be planted, plant, and then to maintain the garden after it's planted. The more physical aspects of gardening like tilling the soil, planting, and weeding help to build endurance and help condition the heart. Gardening can be a wonderful way for older people to stay fit in a gentle way that doesn't strain their joints or muscles.

2) Flexibility - It can be hard to maintain a good level of flexibility if you work in an office and sit at a desk all day, or if you don't get to move around very much. If you have a condition that makes it difficult for you to move around, it's even more important that you stay flexible than it is for other people so that you don't become crippled. Gardening involves many different active poses that will help increase your flexibility and keep you young and healthy.

3) Strength - Even though you won't get buff from gardening performing normal gardening tasks and using garden implements like tillers and hauling around bags of soil and mulch, it can help to significantly increase your strength. Gardening is a lot more fun than lifting weights, and you'll be amazed at how much strength you can gain just from simple gardening tasks.

Gardening has many other physical benefits that can help people feel younger and stay fit. Gardening is a great activity for older people who need gentle exercise but also need to stay mobile and active. In addition to the many physical benefits that gardening has, there are a wide range of mental benefits that gardening provides.
Gardening has many other physical benefits that can help people feel younger and stay fit. Gardening is a great activity for older people who need gentle exercise but also need to stay mobile and active. There are also lots of tips and tricks that you'll find on http://easygardening.bestofresults.com that can help cut down on the time it takes to create and tend to a garden.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alicia_McWilliams

How to Set Up a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden

The raised bed vegetable garden system a great option for growing vegetables because, no matter where you live, you can use this system.

The raised bed vegetable garden can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. As long as you use the principles associated with this type of garden bed then you can expect to get great results with a bounty of fresh healthy vegetables.

Growing Vegetables In Raised Beds

This type of garden is something similar to growing vegetables in containers only the 'container' can be so much larger.

For growing vegetables, the soil doesn't need to be very deep as most vegetables don't have deep roots apart from the root crop vegetables that is and then a depth of about 12 to 15 inches or 30 to 40 centimeters is mostly ample, potatoes are fine as you mound as they grow.
Raised Garden Bed Sizes

You only need your garden bed to be raised to about 12 to 15 inches. The length can be whatever length suits and the width needs to be a comfortable reach for you to the center from both sides without stepping into the bed.

The height of the bed should be whatever height suits you. If you don't want to bend over while tending your garden then build your raised bed to a comfortable height that will allow you to tend the vegetables without the need to bend your back.

Raised garden beds are ideal for those with disabilities or the elderly who find it difficult to kneel down and more importantly get up after kneeling down.

If you wish to build your own raised beds then your options are many. You can use timber, concrete blocks, retainer wall paver blocks, stone. If using timber, only use non-treated timber like a cedar as the treated timbers usually contain toxic substances that can leech out into the soil and you will run the risk of your vegetables taking up the toxins.

There are also kits and ready made raised bed vegetable gardens that you can purchase and save the time in building them yourself. Check out your local nursery suppliers or have a shop around online.

It is also possible to have this type of garden without solid sides. Start with a good layer of gravel for drainage and then mound up the soil you wish to use, make sure you loosen the ground underneath before putting down the soil.

As a surround for the bed you could use a thicker border of mulch as an edging. I would only do this if the pathways between the beds were not grass but a mulch or gravel so that weeds or grasses couldn't find their way into the growing area.

The pathways can be an attractive and low maintenance option too, especially if you use a wood chip or bark mulch or something like decomposed granite.


Raised bed vegetable gardens are meant to be low maintenance. That means by using this system, that is, adding your own soil mix to the beds, the weeds, pests and diseases are all but eliminated.

Better drainage is another advantage as having the bed raised allows the water to drain away and not leave the plants water-logged.

Crop rotation is very important when growing vegetables. Simply put, crop rotation means not growing the same vegetable two years in a row in the same spot.

With raised bed vegetable gardens, you can have the beds whatever size you want. This size should be determined by the size of your family or your vegetable needs.

So if you are a person living on your own or have a family of ten, your raised vegetable garden can cater for your needs.

You don't need a big area to have a vegetable garden using the raised system. If you have a small yard or even a balcony then you can use the same principles to grow your very own vegetables.

The best advantage for you the gardener is, by using this system of raised bed vegetable gardening it has been shown, compared to the conventional vegetable gardens, to produce nearly twice as much in a smaller area.

As long as you follow the principles of raised bed gardening then you can be growing and eating your own vegetables in no time. That is the beauty of vegetable gardening, your wait is only a matter of weeks in many cases.
CTBaird is a freelance author You can find out more about raised bed vegetable gardens at Raised Bed Vegetable Garden for great resources, information, hints and tips on gardening using raised beds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carmel_Baird

Tips to ensure your lawn is always green

As many people say that green lawns give a magnificent look to your homes, almost every one wants to have blossoming lawn, the whole year. Maintaining lawns is not an easy job, but requires a special ability to do the job perfectly. It feels great to sip a coffee, watch your children play and feel the accent of the green grass. So to make this daydream a reality, you need to follow some important tips so that you can also feel the lush of a green lawn.

Ways to make you green

Usually it is observed that in the winters, the grass of the lawn stops growing, which may give rise to bare spots. These spots are really problematic at the time of heavy frost, but you can still maintain your lawn green by over seeding it by rye seeds. The rye grass continues to stay green in winters as well. However, in summers this grass finishes completely and dries off, leading the normal grass seeds to grow up. This way, in winters as well as in summers, you can obtain a green lawn.

To keep your lawn healthy, you should make use of fertilizers in required amount and water the plants at regular intervals. If you do not water the plants appropriately, they will go dry and if you over water them, fungus will start emerging at the bottom of the plants. Talking of fertilizers, you should always use a high quality fertilizer in every three months. Regularly applying a required amount of fertilizer will help your lawn to keep flourishing all the time. You can also use weed and feed to give nutrition to the soil of your lawn and also to relieve of the unwanted weeds. Moreover while applying fertilizers all the given instructions should be read thoroughly and proper care should be provided to the lawns.

Using Broom Rake

When you are ready to start seeding, it is recommendable to rake before the seeding process with a double duty rake. This will allow seeds to have extra spacing and they can respire properly. Not only this, raking a lawn shall also help the seeds to grow properly.

Sprinkling Seeds

Before sprinkling the seeds you should always rake your lawn with a heavy duty broom rake. After completing the process of raking you can sprinkle the seeds, but the seeds that you re using should be of a high quality. This ensures a better growth of the seeds and a thick green grass. After sprinkling the seeds you should spray some water on the seeds that will help them to nurture.

Choosing seeds for the lawn

Usually, there are different types of grass that can be grown according to the season. You can select from a wide range like for cold seasons you can opt for seeds including bent grass, rye grass and blue grass to name a few and for summer seasons you can choose buffalo grass, centipede grass, Bahia grass, Zoysia grass and lot more. It all depends on the favorable weather conditions that will initiate the grass to grow faster. Generally, the shady areas make it difficult for the grass to grow up, especially in winters, so you can opt for rye grass to have lush in the lawn all over the winter as well.

Online Tips

There are a plenty of websites presented on the internet, which will endow you with the data on keeping up the lawns emerald green all the year. Moreover, you can also get a thorough acquaintance on the related matters like from where can I find seeds, the best seeds of the season that should be sown, choosing fertilizers and lot more. So feel free to surf the internet and make your lawns green for the whole year.

About the Author

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Flower Gardening Tips

Flower gardens are simple to install and easy to care for. They do, however, require a basic understanding of the natural conditions of your garden as well as the specific needs of the individual flowers. Different flowers have different requirements. Annuals, for example, live for only one season, require a bit more maintenance than perennials and, since they die after the first hard frost, need be replanted each year. Perennials, on the other hand, flower for a period each year and grow larger each season. They die back to the ground in the winter but reemerge the following spring.

Determine which flowers do well in your climate and research their sun and soil requirements. Some flowers thrive in the sun while other prefer a little shade. Also, though most plants prefer organic, nutrient rich soil, some will do actually do better in well drained sandy soil.

Perennials bloom either early in the spring, during the middle of summer or late in the summer and into autumn. To achieve a constant bloom throughout the season, plant many different species. Iris, bleeding heart and a variety of bulbs are notable early bloomers. Daylily and hosta bloom in the middle of summer while aster and sedum "autumn joy" are perfect for late season color. Annuals bloom continuously from spring right through the fall up until the first frost. A mixture of annuals and perennials in the garden ensures a colorful garden from spring until fall.

Plan a garden which compliments your house and overall landscape. For instance, mixing different heights, colors, and varieties of flowers together in a cottage garden style will give your garden a rustic look which is quite appropriate for a country setting. If you want a more formal feel, consider a rectangular garden with a symmetrical layout.

Planting your annuals and perennials is easy. After you have prepared your garden by tilling the soil and adding some compost and peat moss, arrange your flowers in the new bed according to a design drawn out before hand. Make sure you like the layout and that the plants are adequately spaced. To plant, simply dig a hole about twice the size of the plant's root system and place the flower in the hole then back fill the hole with the some soil, tamp it down and water. All plants, including perennials and annuals, should be planted at the level of the finish grade of your garden.

In you want a low maintenance flower garden, limit your annuals and plant a variety of perennials. Perennials, though quite adaptable to a number of garden conditions, can benefit from an early spring feeding. Slow release fertilizer is very effective in the flower garden as it provides nutrients over the course of an entire season. Another way to provide nutrients to your flowers is to spread a layer of organic compost on the garden each spring.

Flower gardening is very rewarding. Simply decide what flowers you like, plant them and be sure they receive the proper care. Flower gardening gives people excellent reason to spend some outdoors and test out their green thumb.
R Birch is the publisher of GardenScope.com a garden resource site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Birch

Rose Gardening - Some Quick Ways To Learn It

Not a lot of people would take up cultivating roses as a hobby. This is because they are concerned about time constrains as well as other environmental factors. But you should not worry because although growing roses is a bit hard, it isn't entirely unmanageable. There are a lot of ways to learn, from reading through published materials or taking workshops. But if you really want to learn, then the best teacher, like they always say, is experience.

One of the foremost things that you should know when purchasing roses is their living conditions. Knowing where and when to place rose bushes in your garden is crucial when it comes to rose cultivation. To be able to flourish, roses need at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. And it is also inadvisable to expose them to direct sunlight after noon as it is bad for them. So if you have a spot that receives regular morning sunlight and a little less during the afternoons, then this is the best place to grow your roses.

Another crucial thing to remember is that your soil type is essential to rose growth. pH levels should be around 6.5 to 6.8. Also, adding compost and peat moss regularly ill help condition your soil. Be sure to take these preparations before planting our roses.

After conditioning you soil, you must then be versed in choosing good quality roses. One thing that you must keep in mind is why you want to have them. Do you plant them for the flowers? Or do you just want to add a little color to your background. There are different types of roses that will help you achieve different purposes so choose carefully.

Once you know what kind of roses to pick, you have to know how to determine if they are healthy or not. A good way to do this is to examine the surfaces of the leaf. Things like powdery mildews, rust and black spots should be kept an eye out for. Mildews resemble powder white materials found on the leaves. Rust on the other hand, could usually be seen at the bottom of the leaf and possesses a brownish-color. Relatively easy to see are, of course, black spots, that should be readily visible on a leaf's surface. You should also watch out for aphids or white bugs that could be found on the underside of a rose's leaf. Do not buy plants with these problems.

After buying the perfect plant, the only thing left to do is plant it. Just take the bushes out of the container and check the roots for any sign of damage, cutting some off if necessary. Your garden hole should be wide enough to give enough room for the rose's roots to grow. To allow the plant's roots to spread around, make a cone at the bottom of the hole you made. Then place your bush in the hole and fill it with just enough soil, an inch-thick layer that covers the knot below the plant. After this, just clean up and remember to water your rose bush.

Once you have waters the plant, do not forget to make a soil mound around it. Each rose plant has different requirements regarding these spaces. It is important to follow them to ensure that air can properly circulate around your rose plants.

These tips could greatly help you in starting you own bush garden. But remember that those plants won't grow by themselves, so hurry up and put these tips to the test!
Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website http://www.Gardening-Master.com/762/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abhishek_Agarwal

Having Your Own Home Garden

Have you always wanted to have your own home garden but can't because you don't own a house? Well, the good news is that you still can have your own home garden!

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to own a house to have a garden. Rather, you can create your own in a few easy steps, and you won't have to break your bank in order to do it either! I got this idea from one of my friends. Before they moved into the house that they currently own, they lived in an apartment. My friend and his wife had just had their first child and insisted on growing some of their own organic fruits, veggies and herbs.

The first thing they did was go to the local hardware store and purchase a few small pots. After they purchased the pots, they also purchased some seeds. You can pick up seeds for various types of fruits, plants or veggies from your local hardware store or nursery, and most of them cost less than $1! Read the directions on the seed packets or you can feel free to ask a store representative what kind of potting soil you'll need. Also make sure that you have set aside an area of your house or apartment where you will place your new potted garden. If you have a deck or a balcony, you may want to put your little potted garden out there. However, it should be noted that if you choose to put your potted garden on your deck, beware of squirrels, ants and other insects and/or rodents who may destroy your garden creation.

Most people who have potted gardens choose to keep their potted creations on the windowsill of their kitchen above the sink. If your kitchen lacks windows or if you find a better place for the potted garden that's fine too. When keeping a garden inside of your home, be wary of any pets (especially cats) or children being able to reach it and knock it over or get into it. Again, read the directions on the seedling packets so that you know how much water and sunlight is needed. Potted gardens make a great addition to any home. Not only do plants (in general) help improve the overall air quality inside of a dwelling, but they also add some aesthetic value to your home. It's nice to walk in the door after a long day of work and see some live greenery in your home.

Additionally, potted gardens can also yield fruit and veggies and other goodies that you can actually turn and use in your food preparation. For example, my friend is growing a few mangos in her potted garden in her kitchen, and I'm sure that they will be delicious! And she already has a few limes that have already ripened. There really is something to be said for those who can grow their own food and be self sufficient.
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Gardening Tools For Children - Safe Tools For The Young Ones

Kids, by nature, are curious and love to do things. Naturally, if they see their parent doing some tasks in their garden, they would participate and ask for some tasks too. And you do not have to worry that your child would be susceptible to accidents since there are child gardening tools that they can use. These tools are fit for kids for its size but are capable of performing the tasks of the usual garden tools. It is definitely fun to see your child experience the fun of gardening. This is a very good way to train your kids to learn some basic tasks at home.

Mommy, Let Me

The usual child gardening tools are intended for children who are five years of age and older. Metal and wood are the usual materials making up the child gardening tools. The standard tools which your kid could used are fit for his or her hands since these are really intended for their use. Some of the standard tools are rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, hoes, and trowels. They are fit for the small hands of the kids since the handles are intentionally shortened and the attachments are made smaller.

Aside from these, you can alo purchase the child gardening toy tools in the market. However, these are mere toys and cannot be used as real tool in the garden. These toy tools are just made out of plastic; thus, they are easy to break. If you want to let your child work in the garden with you, make sure that you bought the right gardening tools that you child could use.

Why Say Yes?

A lot of reasons could be enumerated why you should let your child work with you in the garden. A lot of kids really want to help, but working with you in the garden is definitely an educational one. Below are just some of the important reasons why your child should be allowed to work with you in the garden.

-It could be a good venue for them to learn the value of preserving and taking care of the environment.

-Spend his or her spare time outdoors instead of plain sitting in front of the computer or your television.

-This could be a good way to have a quality time with the rest of the family member.

-It may help in increasing the kid's dexterity.

-Learn to take care of their tools.

-Learn about plants.

-Learn the value of responsibility and patience.

Ladybugs, Dolls, and Colors

Visual simulation is needed in keeping the attention of the kids. The tools could actually help since they have different themes and colors. You just have to choose the one that your kid would enjoy.

Fragile World

What we have is a fragile world which needs extra care and attention. Teaching our kids this idea through gardening is really a good idea. Imagine how happy your child would be if he or she sees the very first flower that the both of you grew.

The kids gardening tools can be bought both in the market and in the Internet.
Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website http://www.Gardening-Master.com/762/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abhishek_Agarwal